This Is Why Your Salads Suck

You’re making them wrong. Here’s how to make them rock instead.

Shannon Hilson
Elevated Living


Photo by Jonathan Ybema on Unsplash

Some people out there are fantastic when it comes to consistent healthy eating. They pretty much always feel like eating their veggies, because they’re perfect like that, and they eat salads in particular like it’s their job. They probably even eat theirs without covering them with creamy dressing and shredded cheese first. This article is not for those people.

This is for the rest of us — the folks who genuinely want to eat healthier, but also want their food to taste good. This is for the people who wish they liked salads and would love to eat them more often, but can’t figure out for the life of them how to make one taste halfway decent. I was one of you — bound and determined to eat better and take better care of myself, but unwilling to live on food that doesn’t taste good.

So, I found ways to make the healthy stuff taste good, and I assure you it’s possible. (Yes, even with salads.) It’s all in how you approach your creations and go about bringing them to life. Don’t believe me? Ask my husband. He’s a big, tattooed, bearded guy who looks like the last person who’d ever enjoy a salad, and even he likes the ones I make. Here’s what you’re doing wrong (and how you can fix it.)

You don’t start with…



Shannon Hilson
Elevated Living

Pro copywriter and blogger. Midjourney enthusiast. Avid storyteller. She-wolf. | Email: | Links: