Smart Economy Party 2019: Introducing Ontology to Hong Kong

Founder of Ontology, Li Jun, shares his insights on how technology can accelerate the Greater Bay Area of China

Elevate Ventures
Elevate Ventures
6 min readFeb 7, 2020


The Elevate Ventures Team led the fireside chats at the Elevate ‘Smart Economy’ Party held in Hong Kong in March 2019. Elevate Founder Kenny Au took a close look at the journey so far for fintech in Hong Kong and the necessary steps toward building a better Greater Bay Area.

Kenny Au, Founder of Elevate (L); Li Jun, Founder of Ontology (R)

The event witnessed the attendance of notable experts in the tech industry who shared insights on the future of blockchain technology, particularly its relevance to the Greater Bay Area.

Left to Right: Alex Chau, Investor, Princeton Fund Management Ltd; Emil Chan, Fintech Committee Chairman, Smart City Consortium; Kenny Au, Founder, Elevate; Li Jun, Founder, Ontology
Left to Right: Kenny Au, Founder, Elevate; Eric Chan, Chief Public Mission Officer, Cyberport; Li Jun, Founder, Ontology

Speaking at the fireside chats were: Emil Chan, Fintech Committee Chairman of Smart City Consortium; Richard Tiu, Philippines Universities Blockchain Builder; Patrick Palacios, CEO of LoyalWallet; and Li Jun, Founder of Ontology.

Corporate and enterprise executives present at the event
L-R: Kenny Au, Founder, Elevate; Eric Chan, Chief Public Mission Officer, Cyberport; Li Jun, Founder, Ontology
Patrick Palacios, CEO of LoyalWallet
Richard Tiu, Philippines Universities Blockchain Builder

The event was then wrapped up with an afterparty which saw more guests, industry partners and associates in attendance. Click below to watch clips of the afterparty.

Notable Names at the Party

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Emil Chan is an advisor to Elevate and a FinTech evangelist with over 20 years experience in managing IT and business transformation projects in international financial institutions. He had worked for several sizeable international banks including Credit Suisse and BayernLB as the roles of First Vice President, Head of IT in Asia Pacific, Project Director and Operations Manager AP. He has extensive experience in both Business and IT consulting encompassing the design, setup, leading and managing of cross-border projects throughout Asia. He is the visiting and adjunct lecturer as well as advisor of various departments of local universities including HKU, PolyU, CityU, Hang Seng U, Lingnan U and VTC.

In the past 10 years, he participated actively in voluntary community services in related to popular adoption of technology. He is the founding Chairman of the Association of Cloud and Mobile Computing Professionals, The FinTech Committee Chairman of the Smart City Consortium, Vice Chairman of Hong Kong New Emerging Technology Education Association and the Honorary Chairman of StartHK promoting proper usage of Cloud and Mobile, the developing digital banking ecosystem, STEM education as well as the adoption of startup culture in Hong Kong. He is a mentor of the HK Cyberport Mentors Network, Guangzhou CP-Nest Incubator of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chief Judge of the HK ICT Startup Award 2019. In order to unleash Hong Kong’s potential and play a new role in the Greater Bay Area, Emil also hosts seminars, delivers public speeches and publishes articles of FinTech related topics on local newspapers and interviewed by various media from time to time.

Li Jun is Founder of Ontology and Co-Founder of blockchain technology platform Onchain. Li has a rich academic background, including a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Master’s in Communication Engineering, MBA, and PMP. He is a senior blockchain architect and blockchain solutions professional with 16 years’ work experience in IT and fintech. Li previously provided technical architecture, management, and planning support for top international IT firms and major Chinese financial exchanges. He has taken part in the architecture design and technical management of many major systems, and has built up multiple technical teams and systems from scratch. Li also has a profound knowledge of the finance industry, excelling at internal management and external communication.

Ir. Eric Chan is the Chief Public Mission Officer of the Hong Kong Cyberport. Ir. Chan is in charge of building the ecosystem of nurturing start-ups from inspiring the next generation, through nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit, to empowering global ambition, by providing comprehensive entrepreneurship programmes and early stage funding.

Ir. Chan has 32 years of experience in the ICT industry, a chartered engineer, a chartered marketer and a fellow of Institution of Engineering & Technology (UK). Prior to joining Cyberport, Chan was a Director of HGC Global Communication; and had held various senior positions in global telecom and IT services companies including PCCW, PCCW Consulting Services, Cable & Wireless HKT. Ir. Chan has been active in public services, especially in education and industrial training, professional bodies and charitable organisations. Ir. Chan is the Chairman of Knowledge Management Development Center, Vice Chairman of Industrial Training Advisory Committee (ICT) and a member of Curriculum Development Council. He also serves as advisor and mentor at the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Ir. Chan holds a BSc. (Hon) degree in Engineering from University of London, a Master degree in Business Administration from Manchester Business School, and received Executive Education from INSEAD and IESE business schools.

Patrick Palacios founded Appsolutely in 2013. Prior to this, he went on stellar two-decade run as a tech entrepreneur, creating Ilios Resources and Helius Tech and holding executive posts for conglomerates such as Digitel, Nortel, and Lucent. Appsolutely helps businesses improve their ties with customers by setting digital strategies and creating rewards programs, websites and apps that makes customer loyal, engaged, and valuable.

Kenny Au is Founder at Elevate Ventures and Advisory and technology entrepreneur for almost two decades. As a visionary creator, Kenny has helped many top technology and blockchain entrepreneurs elevate to a higher level of themselves and for their organizations. He has helped companies across industries, stages, and geographies achieve their growth, scale, and relevance. As host of Game Changers, Kenny interviews leaders around the globe to share their insights and expertise through a collective platform.

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