Meet the Team: Alecia Frederick

EU Team
Elevator Up
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2019

We recently welcomed Alecia Frederick to the team as a Front-end Developer! With her dueling knowledge in both development and user experience design, we know she’ll be a great asset to the team. Read on to learn more about her!

Where are you from?
Michigan born and raised. My family moved all over when I was growing up but I spent most of my childhood in Saginaw. I also lived in Chicago for about 9 years so it feels like my second home.

What is your favorite thing about your job?
It’s always really great to be working alongside other creative people who inspire you and in a culture that allows you the freedom to be yourself and utilize your natural strengths and instincts. Another great aspect of being a creative person in an agency setting is versatility; having the opportunity to work on a range of projects and problems for clients of all shapes and sizes keeps things interesting.

Favorite hangout outside of work?
I’m an introvert by nature and spend most of my free time at home creating in my workshop space, cooking, or hanging out with my husband(who is also a developer) and our two dogs. Outside of that you’ll most likely find me at a coffee shop, art museum or visiting friends and family.

What are you currently watching on Netflix/Hulu/Standard Tv?
I have a bad habit of passive binge-watching when at home, and I’m usually streaming a show or listening to a podcast while working. I have an obsession with true crime and crime dramas so anything and everything related to that. I just finished watching Dirty John and I’m super excited for the new season of True Detective. Season two was unwatchable, but so far this season makes up for it! I’m also currently rewatching Doctor Who and looking forward to the final season of Broad City. My favorite podcast is My Favorite Murder.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be and why?
I would love to learn how to play and record music. I played trumpet for a year or two in the middle school band but it definitely wasn’t my thing. I wanted to learn keyboard and percussion but the band teacher said it wasn’t for girls! I took a sound engineering course in college but it really only covered abstract concepts. I really just want an excuse to start collecting vintage analog synths!

What’s your secret talent that nobody knows about?
Dying hair. I’ve been doing my own since I was 16 and I still like to change it up pretty often.

Where do you find inspiration?
The physical world. When I encounter experiences that are difficult or unpleasant, it’s my instinct to come up with a better solution. I have sketchbooks full of notes and rough drawings on everything from how I would improve the Uber Eats interface to how I would design a better retractable dog leash.

Any role models or mentors?
I don’t have any specific role models related to my field, but follow many artists, designers, companies, and creators on social media.

If you had to describe yourself as 3 foods what would you choose and why?
Pho, Sushi and French Macarons; three things I could eat every day! They are all pretty complex and require a certain level of skill to make, so maybe that says something about me?

What would you do for a career if you weren’t doing this?
I love cooking and plan to open a restaurant one day however I hope to do it as a passion project, not as a career.

If you could splurge on one must-have item, what would it be?
A desktop laser cutter or a direct to garment printer, I can’t decide! In my free time, I like to craft and want to add a few more tools and materials to the workshop!

If you want to learn more about Alecia you can find her on Instagram, Dribbble, Github, and LinkedIn!



EU Team
Elevator Up

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