Meet the Team: Joshua Honig

EU Team
Elevator Up
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2018

We hope everyone had a relaxing Labor Day weekend! We are happy to start the work week with a “Meet the Team” feature about Josh, one of our Software Developers from Grand Rapids!

What is your favorite thing about your job and/or working at EU?
I work with a team of brilliant, competent, and fully engaged colleagues. I also love being in the midst of the actual city of Grand Rapids.

Favorite hangout outside of work?
Working and playing outside! In my yard, in my garden, on the bike, or just walking around the neighborhood with my kids.

What are you currently watching on Netflix/Hulu/Tv?
I vaguely remember once having free time to do things like “teevee” and “internets”, but it’s been a while since I saw one.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be and why?
I would build and grow a business from scratch, so I can realize my wildly unrealistic ambitions.

What’s your secret talent that nobody knows about?
I like to sing! Many styles from many eras. And I can sight read sheet music very well.

Where do you find inspiration?
I can never get enough of learning about actual reality. is a good jumping off point, as is doing things in actual reality outside. For me, nothing can match the wonder and endless detail of learning about and interacting with the physical universe.

Any role models or mentors?
My dad, a successful artist and entrepreneur who proved you can pivot mid career and realize a vision of what to do with your life — with shrewdness, creativity, and a ton of hard work.

If you had to describe yourself as 3 foods what would you choose and why?
Donuts, bacon, and anything fresh from my garden. Having a reasonable balance of pure pleasure and practical good-for-you-ness is viable and achievable philosophy, and the best good-for-you-ness is also pleasurable (though it may require substantial hard work).

What would you do for a career if you weren’t doing this?
Agricultural technology mad scientist and business mogul. Like Bruce Wayne, but with plants.

If you could splurge on one must-have item, what would it be?
A fully equipped high tech green house.

To learn more about Josh, check him out on LinkedIn.

Check back next Tuesday for another team member spotlight!



EU Team
Elevator Up

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