Eleven01 has launched the IND Contest worth 1 Million USD to help bring blockchain to the next billion users

Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2019

Eleven01, India’s first native blockchain protocol and ecosystem project, is running the IND Contest to help bring blockchain to the forefront for over a billion people.

What is the IND Contest?

The IND Contest by Eleven01 is an initiative to open the doors to the Eleven01 Community to take Eleven01’s vision forwards — Bringing blockchain to the next billion users. We want to build a thriving community of technologists, evangelists and tech community members. Our project is backed by several Indian state governments, a multi-billion dollar enterprise and has forged several partnerships with dApps, education institutions, and government/industry bodies. (Read more about this on the Eleven01 Blog.)

What is an IND Point?

In order to support the community, we are issuing IND points, which will be convertible to Eleven01 tokens at the time of the token generation event (TGE). The token economics of Eleven01 isn’t public yet, hence, IND points will be pegged to the US dollar.

100,000,000,000 IND points = 1,000,000 USD worth Eleven01 tokens at the time of the token generation event (TGE)

Pre-TGE IND Contest allocation — 45,100,000,000 IND Points

Post-TGE IND Contest allocation — 54,900,000,000 IND Points

The IND Contest allocations are as follows -

For more information, check out our BitcoinTalk thread and follow us on the Eleven01 Telegram Group to learn more about how you can be a part of the IND Contest.


IMPORTANT: Please note that your participation in Eleven01’s IND Contest will not be accepted unless it is verified via KYC. Moreover, KYC verification is mandatory for claiming IND points.

You can complete your KYC on XDAT- our KYC partner — on/before the TGE.

Here’s the link to create your KYC.





The world’s largest blockchain ecosystem, built around India’s only blockchain protocol