How Docsinblocks is Building a Trustless Document Management dApp on the Eleven01 Protocol

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5 min readOct 17, 2019

Our dApp partner — DocsinBlocks, a decentralized document management platform secured by blockchain technology, is building their dApp on the Eleven01 Protocol. We want to tell you how we’re going forward towards reducing and avoiding the mismanagement of documents happening due to unattended circulation over te internet.

Since its inception, blockchain technology has held (and still holds) the potential to revolutionise various areas of life as we know it. However, its intrinsic values are enough to reshape technology infrastructures to become far more secure and reliable. On this basis, we partnered with DocsinBlocks and now, the Eleven01 Protocol is enabling the creation of a dApp that will empower integrity in data management through the creation of documents that are verifiable and immutable. This collaboration is one of the early partnerships that will set the precedent for the creation of several more dApps on the Eleven01 Protocol.

But before we go any further, we want to share with you the significance of this blockchain application and what it can help us achieve.

Why is immutability such a big deal?

Immutability — one of the core features of blockchain technology — ensures that data cannot be altered or at the most, existing data cannot be tampered with undetectably. This feature can ensure that databases are not tampered with, and can reduce the chances of data manipulation. But, to put it into perspective, immutability creates a trustless environment where we can see efficiency through reliable workflows. Those adding information to the databases will be under the scrutiny of providing the right data, and those who consume this data can work with authentic information that is tamper-proof.

How does blockchain technology enable immutability?

Blockchain technology provides decentralisation as a part of its package, and it creates immutability of data via two of its most important components: blocks and hashes.

Hashes or Cryptographic Hash Functions encase immutability in databases. In hashing, an input string of any length is created and an output of a fixed length is produced. With respect to cryptocurrencies, the transactions made will appear as the input string and a hashing algorithm (example: Bitcoin’s SHA — 256) will create an output of a fixed length, and each one of these have a unique string. If any changes — no matter the magnitude — are made, the output hash will change drastically, and in a reverse domino effect of sorts, the changes will reflect across the preceding blocks. Through hashing, blockchains are able to secure databases when information is added and creates tamper-proof data.

(You can learn more about hashing in blockchain here.)

However, complementary to the function of hashes are blocks. As hashes secure data as such, blocks are created to store the input information. Simply put, blocks are a compilation of transactions and every block is linked to the preceding block via its hashing details. The interlinked network of blocks create a blockchain. Blocks contribute to immutability through this property, that is, any change in data will result in the creation of a new hash that will certainly clash with the existing hash code.

These blocks contain details about the transactions and also the details from the previous Block’s hash. This makes a chain of inter-connected Blocks — all of them are connected to each other through the hash details. This property prevent data tampering from going unnoticed as it would alter data across the entire blockchain. In decentralised blockchains, immutability corresponds with transparency, and this results in accountability.

Immutability is a powerful attribute that will empower integrity in workflows that involve documentation and data management. Organisations (both public and private) and individuals can function within a trustless environment with maximum efficiency. DocsinBlocks is building a dApp on the Eleven01 protocol that can help ensure documents that will tamper-proof and verifiable.

Why Document Verification and Management need blockchain

Well, here’s the TL:DR: forgery and data manipulation are rampant!

There are several cases in India where government-issued IDs are being forged and public databases are being tampered with. The Passport Office of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, reported that there were several fake documents were created to substantiate address-proof and photo-ID-proof. It was reported that 249 cases of forged documents were being attached as address proof or photo-ID proof and 25 cases where photo identification in original passports are switched to obtain visas.

This was one of many forgery cases that surfaced. The Kempegowda International Airport, Bangalore, Karnataka, reported 15 cases in passport forgeries between 2018 and 2019. This is in addition to 25 cases of passport forgery in the last three years. Additionally, The State Government of Karnataka reported a case of Illegal transfer of government property. Bhoomi, Karnataka’s digital land records database, was (manually) breached in an incident where 19 acres of government wasteland near Bengaluru were illegally transferred to a private individual.

These cases might not come as ones of shock and awe, but they leave behind damage that can take longer to manage and resolve. This is why the dApp that DocsinBlocks is building on Eleven01 is relevant by creating a viable option for maintaining tamper-proof, verifiable records.

How DocsinBlocks is Building this on the Eleven01 Protocol

DocsinBlocks allows users to publish their documents or certificates on the blockchain which is encrypted through cryptographic hashes. Furthermore, this platform records the event of uploading into the format of transactions and adds a timestamp to it. The whole process seizes the event as event of creation and proof of ownership. The verification process for the documents created are incredibly easy. The developers at DocsinBlocks will translate this into a decentralised application on the Eleven01 Protocol.

In addition to building solutions to document management, the DocsinBlocks platform will also achieve several other aspects: increasing the scope of making good decision by 53%; increasing resource productivity by 15%; reducing time spent for retrieval and verification of physical/digital documents from 4 hours to 1 minute. This will make for a well rounded application.

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