Meet Eleven01’s New CTO: Suresh Ponnusamy

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2 min readSep 25, 2019
Suresh Ponnuswamy is the new CTO of Eleven01.

We’d like you to join us in welcoming Suresh Ponnusamy — the new CTO of Eleven01. He is a veteran developer and an architect with a deep understanding of Information Technology and has the experience that will help Eleven01 continue its pursuit of building a robust blockchain protocol. Previously, he worked with IT services companies, holding various leadership roles, aiding them in building developer teams and creating cutting-edge technology solutions for businesses. He held the position of CTO at Datasisar — Bangalore-based IT services company where he worked to provide robust IT infrastructure for clients to scale businesses.

As a seasoned technologist, Suresh has a strong grasp of the distributed systems and a big proponent of the blockchain technology and its potential to change the world. He expressed his enthusiasm about joining Eleven01 and driving the technology development of Eleven01’s product roadmap. “Blockchain is a revolutionary technology with novel solutions that can create potent tech infrastructures inclusive of immutability, transparency, decentralisation, and security,” said Suresh. “I believe that Eleven01 is creating a platform that will expedite blockchain development and engineering in India, and I am thrilled to join the Eleven01 team to materialise these possibilities and potentialities. I will be working alongside experts who are skilled and talented, and together we can strengthen the Eleven01 protocol to bring blockchain to the next billion users,” he added.

Suresh’s role would involve taking over the entire development cycle of the Eleven01 protocol and leading the product team to build a robust, dynamic protocol that will power India’s blockchain needs. Ausaf Ahmad, CEO of Eleven01, expressed that he was excited to start working closely with the new CTO. “Suresh’s track record speaks for itself, but what excites me the most is his passion to make an impact using technology. You rarely see veterans like him roll up their sleeves and work in a blockchain production environment. At Eleven01, Suresh will be refining our product roadmap and leading the team to help the project deliver on our technology milestones” he said. He also added that Suresh will be replacing Rama Iyer — former CTO and President of Eleven01, who has decided to pursue other opportunities. “Rama Iyer has been instrumental in helping the team build Eleven01 as a blockchain protocol. On behalf of the team, I wish Rama all the best for his future endeavours,” said Ausaf.

As we are getting closer to the Mainnet Phase of our roadmap, we are happy to have Suresh take up the mantle and lead us to the next phase of our technology development journey. We are looking forward to serving India’s vast developer community with the protocol that will bring blockchain solutions to the next billion users.




The world’s largest blockchain ecosystem, built around India’s only blockchain protocol