#BUILD Smart Contracts on Eleven01 Protocol using new Visual Studio Code Plugin; Available at Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code Marketplace

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3 min readOct 1, 2019

We’re happy to announce that Eleven01 released a plugin for Visual Studio (VS) Code on Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code Marketplace. We believe that this will simplify the development of smart contracts or any Solidity-based implementations on the Eleven01 Protocol, making it a developer-friendly experience.

The Plugin is now available for download from Microsoft Marketplace or VS Code Marketplace at https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Eleven01.Solidity.

Alongside popular code editors like IntelliJ, Sublime, Notepad++, Visual Studio Code is widely used by developers. The Stack Overflow 2019 Developer Survey, Visual Studio Code was ranked the most popular developer environment tool, with 50.7% of 87,317 respondents claiming to use it. At Eleven01, we are working on creating a workspace for developers by making the Eleven01 Protocol developer-friendly, customisable, and seamless.

Using VS Code, a developer can quickly start creating an application in any programming language by installing the respective plugins. For example, take a look at the gif below: if you are starting a project in Python, you can choose to install a Python plugin from a set of popular plugins available on Visual Studio Code plugin marketplace.

The VS Code Plug-in is also available for direct download from the extension tab in the VS Code extension

How the Plugin can help developers seamlessly create smart contract-based applications

  • The plugin will auto highlight syntax while editing smart contracts. It will also enable developers to compile the current contract by just pressing the F5 key, and users can also compile all contracts by pressing ctrl+F5 or cmd+F5.
  • Eleven01 plugin will enable auto-code completion for all contracts/libraries in the current file and all referenced imports.
  • The default project structure is that solidity files need to be in the ‘src’ directory and libraries in the ‘lib’ directory. Libraries will follow the same structure as shown in the image below.
  • Eleven01 plugin will support different solidity versions. Code generation for the Eleven01 plug-in is done using Nethereum (https://github.com/Nethereum/Nethereum). Linting is done using Solhint and Solium.

At Eleven01, developer activation is a critical metric for us, and with this VS code availability, we hope to reach out to a much larger number of developers who would now find it much easier to create dApps on Eleven01. The addition of VS Code editor is the beginning of many such plug-ins and integrations to come. We want to reach out to as many developers as possible and make the creation of blockchain solutions on Eleven01 as seamless as possible. As part of the movement, we are in the process of building a plugin which will replace web3 and provide a much easier and fluid interface for dApps to interact with Eleven01 blockchain.




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