The Best of the Eleven01 Bounty — The IND Contest — Fourth Edition

Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2019

The participants of the Eleven01 Bounty — the IND Contest are creating amazing content that spreads awareness on the emergence of Blockchain and how Eleven01 is providing cutting-edge solutions through the blockchain technology. We appreciate their efforts and share some of the informative content that they created here:

How Eleven01 is Revolutionizing The Agriculture Sector — Prateek Parashar

With the Eleven01 protocol, INDIA will have its first ever platform which will allow blockchain developers to create, publish, and extend the core blockchain services to the 2nd largest internet population of the world.

Eleven01 Token Review — Lakshmi Naveen Cherukuri

Eleven01, INDIA’s Blockchain protocol for security, transaction speed — Hamidreza Nahvi

When working with blockchain consensus protocols, Eleven01 provides a flexible consensus model. Users can choose a specific consensus mechanism that suits their needs.

ELEVEN01- Truly Diverse, Truly Indian, Truly Global. — Razi uddin Mohammed

ELEVEN01 provides a unique solution, focusing on all the required aspects of a blockchain yet allowing a whole lot of customization options for different set of customers.

Indian First Unique Blockchain Project — Dulo Wegner Chukwuemeka

Eleven01 is one of the fastest and highly scalable blockchain protocols that has been developed with the aim of bringing widespread blockchain technology to life.

Thanks for tuning in! Look out for the next edition of The Best of the Eleven01 Bounty for more features.




The world’s largest blockchain ecosystem, built around India’s only blockchain protocol