The Best of the Eleven01 Bounty — The IND Contest — Third Edition

Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2019

We are glad to reveal the next feature of the Eleven01 Bounty. It’s exciting to know the ‘blockchain thrill’ that Eleven01 has created within the community.

We’ve got a great set of blogs, and infographics that describe the blockchain protocol at Eleven01 and how we are working towards creating and diversifying the blockchain deployment opportunities in India.

Take a look at all the content that was created.

Eleven01 Protocol Reviews

These content creators have displayed a wonderful understanding of how Eleven01 works as a Protocol, through infographics and articles. Outlining various impeccable features of the Eleven01 blockchain protocol, our partnerships and how this protocol can change the way businesses and industries can function.


Know all about our collaborations and future endeavours in blockchain with Aurothito Capital, Bolt, RealMed and BlocMint. These partnerships will facilitate growth and development of decentralised applications that can benefit various sectors of the economy.


Read all about how Eleven01 solves the problem of speed, scalability and security. Get to know about our unique functionality and how the D-apps created on our platform can be the next big step with interoperability (transforming the current scenario of lack of interoperability.)

Eleven01, One of the most scalable and high-performance blockchain platform by Hamidreza Nahvi

This article sums up all that we would love on Wikipedia page for Eleven01. It entails all the details on what Eleven01 is all about. Vividly listing out our features including dynamic consensus protocol, stating the architecture we use and more. Read everything you need to know on Eleven01 here.

ELEVEN01 — A Closer Look On the Privacy Aspects by Razi uddin Mohammed

This article illustrates how Eleven01 enables one crucial feature: “Privacy” — the Fuel of 21st Century. Razi writes, “ELEVEN01 is highly flexible even in cases where an already live network wants to switch from one privacy model to another. Handling such scenarios with grace and keeping the blockchain data integrity intact.”

Build Blockchain for the next billion users with Dev01 by Yomi Oyesiji

“Looking Into The Future”, Eleven01 is set to fuel the mainstream adoption of blockchain across all sectors starting with India. With the Dev01 platform on Eleven01, developers will be able to build advanced decentralized applications on the protocol that will elevate blockchain use cases beyond what is currently obtainable.

Eleven01 — India’s First proprietary blockchain Protocol by Dzmytry

Eleven01 aims to be the benchmark for deploying smart contracts. It is important to note that the usability of Eleven01 blockchain is designed in such a way that everyone will be able to use this Protocol for both commercial and private purposes, as well as directly buy or rent smart contracts developed by them.

Well, that’s it for now.

Look out for another feature that will be out the next week. Thank you, again, for your support. Here’s to bringing blockchain to the next billion users.




The world’s largest blockchain ecosystem, built around India’s only blockchain protocol