Brand Refresh: the When and Why

Alina Ilies


Has your brand lost its spark? Is your business overshadowed by newer, more vibrant competitors? Is your company fading into the background? If you notice signs of stagnation or a disconnect with your audience, it might be time to give your brand an update. Read along to discover when and why a brand refresh could be a beneficial strategic move for your business.

Refresh is not Rebrand

Rebranding is a complete transformation of your company’s identity. It involves substantial changes to your brand’s fundamental elements, such as your value proposition, product lines, messaging and target audience. Rebranding essentially involves re-evaluating every aspect of your business and redesigning it from scratch.

While rebranding can be a lengthy and expensive process, it might be warranted if your company is expanding into new countries, undergoing a merger, struggling to differentiate from competitors or is facing a troubled reputation.

One notable instance of rebranding is the transformation of Apple Computer into Apple Inc., which set the stage for diversifying their product portfolio from primarily computers to include streaming, cloud storage, phones, and other devices.

Rebranding example: Apple Inc.

In contrast, refreshing your brand on the other hand is a more straightforward process. If rebranding is akin to tearing down a house and rebuilding it from the ground up, refreshing is more or less equivalent to re-painting the walls or changing the windows.

A brand refresh allows you to maintain your brand’s core values, philosophy and target audience, while revitalizing your appearance to gain a competitive advantage and a fresh visual identity. Canva, an online app used for designing various simple graphics, is a great example of breathing new life into a brand without completely overhauling it.

Example of Brand Refresh: Canva.

The Why

Although refreshing your brand is not as dramatic as completely reinventing your company, there are several important benefits for you to consider.

1. Consistency

Inconsistent branding can confuse customers and diminish brand recognition. Refreshing your brand can address these issues and ensures a clear and consistent visual identity across all touchpoints.

2. Digital Optimization

The importance of online platforms is undeniable, whether we think of your company website to your social media. Making sure your brand has a strong digital presence across all channels creates a seamless and engaging experience for your audience.

3. Competitive Edge

Staying ahead of your competitors requires a strong brand presence. A brand refresh can help you stand out thorough a contemporary look that captures the public’s attention and conveys innovative, forward-thinking company values.

4. Customer Perception

Negative customer perception can damage your reputation, and consequently hurt your sales. If your customers see your brand as old-fashioned, lacking personality, low quality, or out-of-touch with their values (e.g.: sustainability, inclusivity, diversity, social responsibility), you should consider a brand refresh. A well-planned update of your image can help improve a tarnished reputation.

5. Market Adaptation

With the rapidly evolving market, technologies and consumer behaviors, it is crucial to adapt and update your branding regularly. Refreshing your visual identity allows you to remain relevant and resonate with your audience.

Examples of Brand Refresh: Slack and Skype.

The When

A brand refresh is a significant decision that can profoundly impact your business. Here are the signs that it might be time for an update.

1. Visual Obsolescence

One of the most important indicators that your brand could use a refresh is visual obsolescence. Looking critically at your logo, color palette, fonts and overall style, could you say your branding truly resonates with your audience? If your visual identity is faded and lacks vitality, it’s time to give your brand a refresh.

2. Changing Audience

Having a successful, growing business means constantly reaching new audiences, some of whom may not resonate with your established brand presentation. Additionally, as your business evolves over the years, so do the preferences and expectations of your existing customers. Refreshing your brand can strengthen the relationship with your loyal customers while bringing in new demographics.

3. Evolving Objectives and Values

Objectives and values expand as your company evolves and responds to market demands. If your branding fails to accurately reflect your mission, goals and aspirations, a refresh can be an excellent opportunity to realign your visual identity with your business ambitions.

4. Major Product Changes

Significant changes in your company’s products or services will likely require a corresponding update to your brand identity. Whether you’re bringing in a new line of products, adding new services or transitioning to the newest technologies, your visual identity and product/service catalog should reflect those innovations.

5. Declining Sales

If you’re experiencing stagnation or a decrease in sales despite marketing efforts, it could be a sign of a disconnect between your brand image and your audience. Refreshing your branding can reignite interest and attract new customers, positioning your business for renewed growth.

Examples of Brand Refresh: Volkswagen and Audi.

Bottom Line

In today’s landscape, the importance of strong and cohesive branding cannot be overstated. A brand refresh offers major benefits, from consistency and digital optimization, to changing customer perception and differentiation from competitors. By recognizing the signs that it may be time for a refresh and making proactive decisions to improve your brand, you can position yourself for continued growth and success.

What about “The Where” and “The Who”? Look no further than elevenpm at Connect with us and let’s explore how a strategic refresh or a rebranding can steer your business towards success.

