111 Book Review: The Aeneid (Aeneis)

Bryce W. Merkl Sasaki
Published in
1 min readSep 9, 2021
An early hoplite flash mob circa 1184 BC (colorized).

The Aeneid (Aeneis)

by Virgil

Aeneas is a bro’s bro. (Not a man’s man, that’s different.)

Aeneas fought in the Trojan War, did he mention that? (He was on the losing side, btw.)

He’s such a bro that when he faces the same divine challenges/quests as Odysseus, he does them even better than Odysseus does. (Did we mention that it’s kind of weird he encounters almost all the exact same challenges as Odysseus? Almost like someone was keeping score and wanted to make sure you knew which bro was winning?)

Aeneas also founded Rome, and Rome is awesome. (Did we mention this is a Roman fanfic based on Homer’s Greek epics? Oh, because it is.)

TL;DR: Aeneas is the bro who founded Rome, and he’s way cooler than both Achilles and Odysseus (combined), tell all your friends. [This TL;DR is sponsored by Caesar Augustus.]

My rating: 7 out of 11 Manly, Roman Virtues, Which Are Manly, Did We Mention That Part?

Get it here:

Oh, you liked it? Well then, try: The Iliad (the canonical prequel), The Odyssey (the canonical parallel novel)

