111 Book Review: The Iliad (Ἰλιάς)

Bryce W. Merkl Sasaki
Published in
1 min readJul 8, 2021
Helmet removal during battle is not advised unless you have a weaponized beard.

The Iliad (Ἰλιάς)

by Homer

You’re about to read what BigAch (Big Achilles) doesn’t want you to know:

FACT #1: The Iliad covers very little of the actual ten-year-long Trojan War narrative, despite being spun as such.

FACT #2: Most of the story is about (a) why the Greeks shouldn’t have pissed off Achilles, (b) how Achilles is the Greek MVP, (c ) how Achilles is destined for “immortal” “glory,” etc.

FACT #3: Obvious sponsored content by Hephaestus (a BigAch collaborator) in Book 18, devoting 200 lines of text to Achilles’ “awesome” shield.

The Iliad is an INSIDE job. What is “Homer” (likely an Achilles pseudonym) trying to COVER UP? That maybe Achilles was just an asshole?

TL;DR: The crooked Achaean Media will spin anything to cover up weak (and boring) BigAch. Sad!

My rating: 8 out of 11 Brooding Prophecies about Fate and Glory

Get it here:

Oh, you liked it? Well then, try: The Odyssey (the canonical sequel), or The Aeneid (the fanfic sequel)

