111 Book Review: The Libation Bearers (Χοηφóρoι)

Bryce W. Merkl Sasaki
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2021
This one looks like some sort of Bene Gesserit recruitment poster.

The Libation Bearers (Χοηφóρoι)

by Aeschylus

Attention: Has your sister been offered up as a human sacrifice in order for the Greek ships to sail to Troy? Has your mother secretly been sleeping with your father’s cousin? Has your father been murdered in a bathtub upon his return from the Trojan War? Did Freud name a complex after you for pouring out wine on your father’s grave?

If you or a loved one find themselves at the grave of your slain father, you may be entitled to financial compensation, bloody revenge, or the merciless wrath of the Furies.

Please don’t wait, call 1–800-ORACLE-OF-DELPHI for a free vengeance consultation and a murder-your-mother’s-lover-and-your-mother-by-surprise information packet. Libation-bearing siblings call now!

tl;dr: If Apollo sends you and your sister on an OG House Atreides murder side-quest, always be sure to read the Terms and Conditions first.

My rating: 8 out of 11 Non-Plot-Central Libations

Get it here:

Oh, you liked it? Well then, try: Agamemnon (to get caught up on wtf is happening), or The Odyssey (if you like vengeful Greek homecomings)

Part of the Oresteia trilogy: Agamemnon | The Libation Bearers | Eumenides

