Elia Group Is Embracing Open Source Methodologies.

Soulaiman Ghanem
Elia Group Engineering Blog
3 min readMay 12, 2021

Recently, Elia Group has been working on a basis to implement Open Source methodologies. Open source is a way of creating and distributing computer software in which the code (the “machine room” of a program) is not hidden, but openly available to all users for collaboration, modification and redistribution. The shared access to the code is the fundament for co-development — not only with peers from the same company, but also with a large community of developers (e.g. from other TSOs).

Michael von Roeder

“In a complex world, it is no longer possible to solve problems alone. We need to closely collaborate, not only with other TSOs and DSOs, but also with energy suppliers, start-ups and companies from complete other industries. Open Source will be a catalyst for innovation and co-development.”

What are the benefits for Elia Group?

Embracing Open Source methodologies creates new opportunities for Elia Group. The future of the energy system will be characterized more and more by collaboration in cross-industry eco-systems. Open Source can be used to develop common standards and ensures the interoperability between energy software and systems. Already today, we see various projects at Elia Group that want to adopt Open Source methodologies to increase their impact. For example, Open Source will be used for Elia Group’s forecasting platform (currently in the NEST) in order to enable the collaboration with other TSOs and universities. Furthermore, Elia Group is investigating whether participating in the energy-branch of the Linux Foundation (LF), a non-for-profit organization hosting and guiding the development of Open Source software in the energy sector, would help us to reach our ambitions.

Open Source is an important element of our Digital Transformation. It helps us creating a culture of collaboration and transparency and has a positive impact on our internal way of working. The methodology ensures the reuse and exchange of code and increases the mutual support among different teams.

Now one may ask the question: If the source code is freely available, how can it be secure? In Open Source communities, many developers are working together to test the code, find bugs and suggest fixes. Thereby, the quality of the code is improved and it becomes secure by design. However, this requires guidelines and effective administration of our Open Source projects.

Next steps to accelerate the Open Source implementation

Elia Group has dedicated itself to go more Open Source by appointing an Open Source Project Office (OSPO) that will drive and support pilot projects. The OSPO will be in charge of supporting various ongoing initiatives, where Open Source can deliver additional benefit. It will establish guidance for future projects and set best practices while providing training and coaching for the project teams.

Digital and Data, under the lead of Nils Engelke, will take this challenge forward in the upcoming months.

Nils Engelke

“Open Source is one of the necessary tools for D&D and the rest of the company in order to accelerate the Digital Transformation. The OSPO will enable a common methodology to create new products that will operate the network on a European scale.”

