Airfio — Brand new decentralized Bank

Airfio — AI crypto banking
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2017

Airfio, one of the earliest crypto banking platforms has the technology to improve and innovate the crypto banking solutions to a new level. The company has merged two of the most powerful technologies to revolutionize the banking system.

The traditional crypto market has many disadvantages such as slow operations, time taking transactions and ability to serve all the customers equally. With this new platform given by Airfio, The new crypto banking system is not only instant but includes high-end technology to improve and channelize the back-end operations. Moreover when we talk about currencies, there has been a huge acceptance of cryptocurrency globally.

Airfio has used blockchain technology with Artificial Intelligence to support the end consumer with better services. The new banking will understand the attention a customer needs and tailor the customized solutions for every individual.This shall build and develop more trust and also improve the customer service.

Implementing AI in crypto banking

Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in crypto bank is one of the biggest innovations. This technology, in fact, has found many applications in this particular sector. The transactions will not be instant but also seamless. The intelligence will conduct the advanced analytics by using cognitive learning to understand and find behavior patterns.

Airfio implemented the neural language in crypto banking because many of the Fintech organizations need analysis on individual behavior so that they can create strong strategy and meet the future needs of their customers.

Every customer will be greatly benefited with crypto banking. They would now have a direct access to their ledgers. Now the customers will be able to make transactions without any geographical constraints.

Airfio products

Airfio has around 21 products that would enter the global market by 2022. *ARF, one of the Airfio products, is a crypto coin.

*Other smart products from Airfio include assistant application, serving as a users personal assistant.

*Mining application for instantly verifying the transactions.

*SDK is a software launched by Airfio that would benefit the developers for promoting it through an application.

*Airfio has also decided to launch its own ATM and Visa card.

There are also certain referral programs where a user can recommend Airfio to other members. This will earn some benefits and rewards for the user.

More about: Airfio Products & Bounty Campaign

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Airfio — AI crypto banking

Airfio is the future of cyrpto banking which integrates neural networks with blockchain technology.