2021 starts big. Eligma raises a new 4 million EUR equity investment at a 50 million EUR valuation

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2021

The incredible progress made by Eligma in the past year has not gone unnoticed. We have been striving to bring a solution on the market that is regulatorily accepted as well as very intuitive for the merchant. This combination has proven to be very successful in terms of scaling our infrastructure.

The new investment round of 4M EUR at 50M EUR valuation is funded by Roger Ver through Bitcoin.com, and was mainly initiated due to our ongoing efforts to comply with any and all regulation as we have always been in this for the long run. Such approach has made it possible for us to connect with the largest processors in the world and, through such partnership, offer a unique combined solution of processing any payments (card payments, other digital payments and of course crypto payments). We are at the brink of revolutionizing the payment experience in offline retail, where any additional hardware will no longer be required.

Bitcoin.com and Eligma share the common goal of bringing cryptocurrencies into the mainstream and revolutionizing the world of payments with the advantages of the digital age. The Eligma company has been recognized as one of the world’s most promising startups in this field. With the ability to process any kind of payment, we can now also start setting up a tokenomics model that is not only connected to crypto payments, but also to various traditional payments (except cash). In this way, we could convert a part of the card and digital payment fees into the GoC token and thus achieve a transition of traditional money into crypto. More on this topic will be revealed in the upcoming weeks. We are keeping our mission alive now more than ever by putting crypto payments on par with traditional card payments.

The new holistic technology will bring the world of payments to a whole new level, where shoppers will be able to use diverse fast (and often contactless) payment methods, and where merchants will benefit from a smooth and effortless sales process regardless of how the customer selects to pay — by using an all-in-one solution. We will be posting more on our progress on a weekly basis for the next 6 weeks.

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