Community update: Eligma visits the ICO Summit in Russia

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2018

Eligma’s CEO Dejan Roljič and senior business developer Mitja Hegler flew to Russia this week to attend the ICO Summit in Kazan, a 2-day event that covered a wide range of crowdsale-related topics to tell the world about Eligma and meet potential supporters and contributors.

The conference took place from 10th to 11th April and brought together world’s leading speakers, state body representatives, investors, startups and other parties, interested in crowdsales. Eligma was featured twice on the two-day programme!

Dejan delivered a prolonged talk during the startup workshop on Tuesday and pitched Eligma to an enthusiastic crowd on Wednesday. It was obvious that Eligma was in the centre of interest as Dejan had to conduct on-the-fly interviews after his presentations.

After the event Dejan said: “I would like to thank the organizers for their hospitality. We had a great two days here and Eligma received awesome reviews. Even when we were driving to the event, we had conversations about our project, and people were asking us a lot of questions. The conference emphasized that Russia leads countries in the Central and Eastern Europe in the number of ongoing crowdsales and Slovenia is third despite its small size, proving that we are indeed a blockchain country.”

Eligma closed its public presale on April 10th, raising 14,550 ETH. With this number we comfortably exceeded our soft cap, meaning that the project will go on as planned. You can still get your ELI tokens in our public crowdsale which starts on April 17th. Please note that we will lock the exchange rate of ETH at 800 $ for both phases.

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