Eligma crowdsale statistics

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2018

On 9 May 2018, Eligma’s crowdsale finished with the end block, but our hard work continues. It is your enthusiasm that keeps us going and fills us with a big sense of responsibility. The crowdsale results are a picture of success. Some amazing facts and figures are below. They are an indicator of our greatest treasure — the enthusiasm and trust of the people who wish us to succeed — our growing community. We would like to thank our supporters, our early believers for their inspiring participation on our social media, and everyone who has identified with Eligma’s mission to transform the world of commerce with simple solutions and top-notch technology.

Crowdsale summary

In total, Eligma’s crowdsale summed up to 13,178 ETH, which equals a total of 127,902,033 ELI tokens sold. As many as 1,668 supporters participated, which makes us believe that Eligma’s vision to make commerce more inclusive has taken off the ground. Here is a breakdown of the individual amounts:

Geographical distribution of supporters

One of the facts that we are most proud of is that we were supported by people from as many as 100 countries. The concept of Eligma and its products has resounded at a global level, and is best evidence of the fact that crypto technologies are now a major global player. Here are the countries who participated in the crowdsale (marked in blue), and we hope to conquer many more with our products!

Media coverage

After ten years in the making, Eligma was ready to take off in late February 2018. In the three months that followed, it was subject to 250 media coverages all over the world. The Eligma team visited and pitched at a number of crypto and blockchain events in different countries, with CEO Dejan Roljic winning the Best Pitch Award at Crypto Summit 2018 in Zurich, Switzerland. Eligma received numerous reviews from various crypto influencers, gave many interviews, and enjoyed a strong social media following, summed up below:

Eligmization of the world continues, so stay tuned! THANK YOU!

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