Eligma in Silicon Valley: A meeting with key figures of the crypto universe

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2018
From left to right: George Gilder, Tim Draper and J. Michael Arrington

On Thursday, June 28, Eligma advisor Ana Lukner Roljic attended another Silicon Valley event that came together through the tireless blockchain and business activity of Tony Perkins. The world-famous founder and editor of Alchemist, a blog dedicated to the latest technological and entrepreneurial commentary both in the US and worldwide, is also known for his key role in Cryptonite, a highly exclusive global community of major crypto entrepreneurs and influencers.

Ana with Tony Perkins

Organized by Cryptonite and moderated by Perkins, the “Meet the Masters of the Crypto Universe” event took place in the form of a highly dynamic discussion between two legends of Silicon Valley and global venture capital − Tim Draper and J. Michael Arrington. Tim Draper is known as founder of Draper University for entrepreneurs (which also hosted the event itself), and for Draper Associates, a venture capitalist company that invested into some of the biggest companies worldwide including Skype and Chinese Baidu at their early stages. Draper is also known as passionate believer and investor into the crypto and blockchain domains.

Ana with Tim Draper

As early as 2008, J. Michael Arrington he was named by TIME magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Apart from his investments in companies like Airbnb, Pinterest and Uber, Arrington is well-known as founder and co-editor of TechCrunch, a blog dedicated to technology and start-up news. He is now General Partner in CrunchFund, investing into young start-ups.

Ana with J. Michael Arrington

Cryptonite events are unique opportunities to look for partnerships and network among major names and business players. Ana Lukner Roljic also had the opportunity to meet George Gilder, a celebrated US author, economist, investor, techno-utopian advocate and founder of the Gilder Technology Report and its successor, the Gilder Telecosm Forum, dedicated to technology investments.

Ana with George Gilder

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