Eligma’s Bitcoin Cash Meet-Up is a big success

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2019


As a company active in the field of cryptocurrency and blockchain, Eligma has always actively strived not only to bring these technologies into the mainstream, but to also contribute to the ongoing debate about these technologies. Following our partnership with Bitcoin.com, we organized the first Slovenian Bitcoin Cash Meet-Up on 21 May 2019. The aim was to present blockchain and crypto technology to the wider public. Our exclusive guest was Roger Ver, who also used his visit to open the first Elipay location in Croatia.

We are very happy to say that the attendance was excellent. The fireside chat with Roger Ver and the panel discussion with Slovenian blockchain representatives took place in front of an absolutely packed auditorium.

The entire event was moderated by Tanja Bivic Plankar — President of Blockchain Alliance Europe. She was joined by Roger Ver from Bitcoin.com, Eligma CEO Dejan Roljic, Klemen Rupnik — Director of Slovenian Blockchain Association, Jure Pirc — President of Bitcoin Association Slovenia, and Peter Trcek — President of Blockchain Think Tank Slovenia.

The main message of the evening was that it is vital for the various companies and organizations to stand united as an industry. It is at the very beginning of its path, but has tremendous potential. As Roger Ver put it: “It only takes one truly good one to change all of our lives for the better.”

There was no monetary fee for the event. However, as a community, we are committed to the greater good — so the entry fee was food items for the Ana’s little star charity, led by Eligma advisor Ana Lukner Roljic. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all the attendees for their generous contributions.

We would also like to thank everyone for coming and helping to create a memorable, fun and educational occasion for all of us. At Eligma, we hope to organize similar events in the future and see you all again very soon!

Photos by: Sinisa Kanizaj

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