GoCrypto update and Roadmap

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
6 min readDec 1, 2021

We’re happy to present to you our brand new Roadmap where we showcase what we’re going to be working on in the upcoming years on the Elly products, GoCrypto, and GoC tokenomics departments.

You can check out the roadmap HERE!

We also prepared a commentary on our future plans in the video below:

2021 was a year full of great achievements for Eligma. We have proactively opened two markets, the first one in Romania and the second one in the United Kingdom! This year we have newly signed on our first merchants from the following countries: Germany, Spain, Singapore, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Mexico, Paraguay, Nigeria, India, and South Korea. This makes our GoCrypto solution available in 68 countries worldwide!

In collaboration with Global Payments Inc. we have begun to promote a solution called GP Tom, which is an application that works on any android device and where crypto payments are processed through the GoCrypto solution. Currently, the said solution is available in Central Europe but it is soon expected to come to stores near you!

Integration of Binance pay into GoCrypto payment solution, extended the reach of payments with cryptocurrencies allowing millions of Binance users to pay with crypto at brick and mortar stores.

GoC token was listed on three exchanges the first one being CoinFLEX, soon followed by PancakeSwap and more recently BitMart, introducing our GoC token to larger markets, wider crypto community as well as giving the community additional options where GoC can be traded.

In the light of Covid impacts on the supply chains, causing a lot of disturbances, a strategic decision was made to partner with hardware POS suppliers such as NexGO and PAX, guaranteeing the supply of hardware POS devices.

We have successfully submitted all needed documentation for the E-Money Licence that is currently in the process of revision.

From the security and quality aspect, we have applied for two ISO. After a thorough audit of our internal processes and security procedures, we have successfully obtained standards ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.

The World renowned Emerging Payments Awards nominated us in two categories, out of which we have received a second place award in the category “Best use of Crypto in Financial Services”. We attended, we had fun, and we brought home an award and a long list of contacts and business opportunities.

Moving forward, we have a planned roadmap full of developments that will revolutionize the payments industry as we know it today.


Our future plans:

December 2021:

GoC token:

- Addition of GoC smartBCH on GoC Bridge
- Listing of GoC on smartBCH Decentralized exchanges

The end of this year will be all about smartBCH. We will add GoC smartBCH addition to the GoC bridge and issue GoC token on the smartBCH chain which will be accompanied by a listing on one or more smartBCH supporting decentralized exchanges.


Q1 2022

GoCrypto 2.0:

Learn what is GoCrypto 2.0

Start of the GoCrypto 2.0 development
Development of the smart contracts:
Development of Payment propagation smart contract features
- Development of Relaying of funds smart contract features
- Development of Exchange of funds smart contract features
- Development of Payment settlement or forwarding smart contract features
- Development of fee collection and distribution to the stakeholders (GoC stakers, DEV pool) smart contract features

GoC token:
- smartBCH DEX GoC Yield Farms & Pools
- GoC smartBCH Audit
- Set-up of GoC LP token staking system (cross-chain)

Product updates:
- Integration of Alipay payments into Elly POS
- Integration of WeChat payments into Elly POS
- Integration of BuyNow PayLater payment method into Elly POS
- Development of Elly Manager 2.0 with advanced payment analytical data for merchants
- Development of Elly POS Cashback program for merchants
- Launching Elly eCommerce with crypto, cards & digital payments
- Development of the automated billing system for all partnerships and use cases covered

In the Q1 of 2022, we will start with the development of the GoCrypto 2.0: Decentralized Payments protocol, with the focus on developing all needed smart contract features.

It will be an exciting quarter for the GoC token. An Audit of the GoC smartBCH contract will be performed as well as the set up of GoC staking features.

Elly POS will see its share of updates in the form of additional payment options integration and development of the BNPL (Buy now, Pay later) feature that will be of great value for merchants and businesses. Additional features will be presented on Elly manager where more in-depth analysis of their cash flow, product sales and targeted focus will be possible to be made by the merchants themselves.

We will also be launching Elly eCommerce with crypto, cards & digital payments, as well as develop an automated billing system for all partnerships and use cases.


Q2 2022

GoCrypto 2.0:

- Development of auxiliary components:
Development of merchant payment gateway
- Development of enrollment dApp

- GoCrypto 2.0 Launch!

GoC token:
- Addition of GoC Avalanche on GoC Bridge
- Listing of GoC on Avalanche chain Decentralized exchanges
- GoC Avalanche (Avax) Audit

- Launching of the Elly Smartphone POS terminal
- Integration of multiple cash registers into Elly POS
- Integration of loyalty program into Elly POS
- Development of Elly Pay By Link feature with Crypto, Cards & Digital payments
- Launch of Elly Manager’s crypto exchange feature
- Partnering with one of the global digital payments providers
- Launch of Elly POS gift card issuing feature

In Q2 of 2022, we will develop GoCrypto 2.0 auxiliary components, which are merchant payment gateway and enrollment dApp. Our GoCrypto 2.0: Decentralized Payments protocol will launch soon after that!

The addition of the GoC Avalanche on the GoC bridge will bring the GoC token to the Avalanche chain, which will be followed by listings on the Avalanche chain supporting decentralized exchanges. To ensure security and transparency, an Audit of the GoC Avalanche code will be performed.

There will be multiple features coming to the Elly POS in this quarter such as integration of multiple cash registers, integration of loyalty program, and launching of Elly POS gift card issuing feature.
We will also launch a Crypto exchange feature in the Elly Manager, develop a Pay By Link feature, and partner with one of the largest global digital payment providers.


Q3 2022

GoCrypto 2.0:
Bridge service development:

- Development of BTC payments bridge
- Development of lightning payments bridge

GoC token:
- Addition of GoC Solana on GoC Bridge
- Listing of GoC on Solana Decentralized exchanges
- GoC Solana (SOL) Audit

- Launch of merchant loans feature in the Elly Manager
- Development of Elly POS holistic online onboarding for merchants
- Development of the Elly POS charity feature
- Support for crypto buy & sell for clients on the POS Terminal
- Development of advanced tipping feature with Smartphone POS and optimization of tips taxation
- Elly Manager support for issuance of virtual IBANs
- Providing Support for the new Elly eCommerce plug-in
- Advanced reporting based on payment analytical data in the Elly Manager

In Q3 of 2022 we will build BTC and lightning payments bridges that will facilitate a broader use case for our GoCrypto 2.0 protocol.

The addition of the GoC Solana on the GoC bridge will bring the GoC token to the Solana chain. Listings on Solana Decentralized Exchanges and an audit are soon to follow.

On the product side, we will extend the functionalities in a way that will make running a business simpler, bringing value also for customers. Customer focused solutions will be in the form of an easy to use loan feature, tipping options and more.


Q4 2022

GoCrypto 2.0:

- Support for other Non-EVM blockchain payments (Bitcoin Cash, Solana, Litecoin)
- Development of legacy payment bridge (cards and mobile wallets)

GoC token:
- Development of Elly Vault
- Launch of the GoC NFT Lottery

- Card issuance for merchants via Elly Manager
- Providing Support for the new Elly eCommerce plug-in
- Integration of other bank accounts management through PSD2 into Elly Manager

In the last quarter of the year 2022 our focus will be on supporting non-EVM blockchain payments and a development of a bridge that will support card and mobile payments. In the GoC tokenomics department, we will see the development of Elly Vault and the launch of GoC NFT Lottery.
Merchants using Elly POS will have an option to have a card issued by our system, giving them an alternative to using banks and having crypto and fiat currencies in one place, deciding on their payment method as they go.


Q1 2023

GoCrypto 2.0:
Start of project transformation into DAO

- Development of governance mechanisms
- Setup of initial incentives for stakeholders

In the first quarter of the year 2023, the project will begin its transformation to a DAO. A governance mechanism will be developed together with initial incentives for stakeholders that will be the building blocks of adoption and legitimization of our plans to hand over control and transform GoCrypto 2.0 to the DAO.


Q2 2023

GoCrypto 2.0:

Full transfer of project control to the GoC DAO

By the middle of the year 2023, the project will be fully transferred to the GoC DAO with us relinquishing control and letting our baby elephant stand on its own!


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