Meet Eligma’s Founders: Masterminds of Next-Generation Commerce

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2018

Eligma is a company with a simple mission: to change the process of daily buying and selling by improving its effectiveness and speed. Its underlying AI technologies will help the buyer find an item corresponding to their exact specifications and, like any good friend or shopping assistant, also suggest alternatives with the best quality-to-price ratio. Dedicated to bringing crypto mainstream, Eligma has developed Elipay, a system enabling instant crypto payments at online and offline stores, restaurants, bars and other service providers. Later on, blockchain will also enable inventory of the purchases while the AI monitors their value and suggests the best time for resale. ELI, Eligma’s native token, will play an essential role in all of the above. So how did Eligma come about? Proudly presenting: the Eligma founders and their stories!

Eligma founders (from left to right): Eligma CEO Dejan Roljic, BTC Management Board President Joze Mermal, Viberate CEO Matej Gregorcic

The idea of Eligma started growing ten years ago in the mind of Dejan Roljic, a promising young entrepreneur on the international horizon. While building a united controlling network of more than 250 companies in China, he began to be intrigued by the challenge of simplifying the international commerce process, consisting of many intermediaries. After returning to Europe, he started investing in innovative companies and found that there was very little training available in the start-up area. He founded a series of ABC Accelerators, the first one in Slovenia in 2015, then in Munich and ultimately in Silicon Valley. The aim of ABC Accelerators is to help start-ups gain the knowledge and connections to thrive in the international arena. The ABC concept has won international acclaim, with more than 80 start-ups accelerated under Roljic’s leadership. However, Roljic kept being interested in the simplification of commerce, and ultimately decided to focus on it completely — by founding Eligma. The launch took place in December 2017, followed by a crowdsale in April 2018. The team has presented Eligma at major blockchain events across the world, and Roljic won the best pitch prize at Crypto Summit 2018. Eligma raised 10,056,000 $ in the crowdsale, and even more importantly, attracted a wide base of followers from all over the world. Roljic has recently become an industry advisor and thought leader at Cryptoniteventures, a highly exclusive international community consisting of world-leading blockchain developers and industrials.

Eligma’s technological solutions are aimed at the world market, and require a testing lab for optimization. From the very beginning, Eligma’s vision has been supported by a major commerce visionary in Slovenia, Joze Mermal. Since 1993, Mermal has been President of the Management Board of the BTC company in Ljubljana. His leadership gave rise to BTC City — a business, shopping and entertainment area boasting 20 million visitors a year. Mermal has always understood the necessity of adapting business models to the latest commerce and innovation trends. For this reason, he made BTC City a home for start-ups and tech companies, including ABC Accelerator and Eligma. The collaboration between Eligma and BTC City gave rise to the concept of Bitcoin City — a shopping and business area relying on the latest innovations and technological trends including cryptocurrencies and blockchain. The vision is quickly turning into reality, and has been generating international press attention. One of Bitcoin City’s highlights is Elipay, Eligma’s cryptocurrency payment solution. It is now being tested at many BTC City stores and will be publicly launched on 12 September!

The crypto dimension of the Eligma project is supported by a major driving force and authority in this area — Matej Gregorcic. With a background in mathematics and economics, Gregorcic initially established himself in team leadership and strategic planning. He created one of the biggest event management agencies in Slovenia, which won numerous marketing awards. A few years ago, however, he fully dedicated himself to crypto and blockchain. He decided to partner with key musical, event organizing and blockchain players to found Viberate, a music event organizing platform with the biggest curated live music database worldwide. In time, the Eligma platform will also integrate Viberate’s native VIB token and enable shopping with this particular cryptocurrency as well. Viberate and Eligma are members of Blockchain Alliance Europe, an organization connecting European business and legal entities in this industry.

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