New GoCrypto feature: Receive settlement in local currency or CRYPTO. The choice is yours!

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2020

The aim of the GoCrypto system for merchants is to add the crypto payment option to the merchants’ business. In this way, merchants can accept payments with crypto wallets at their online and physical stores.

So far, merchants with GoCrypto have only been able to receive the settlement exchanged into their local currency. Thanks to the upgraded GoCrypto Merchant Dashboard tool, they now also have a choice to receive the settlement in one of the following supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), GoCrypto (GoC), Litecoin (LTC), Tezos (XTZ) and Viberate (VIB). This will enable crypto supporters to have full control over their crypto funds and further the use of cryptocurrencies in mainstream commerce.

The merchant can change the currency in which they wish to accept the settlements from GoCrypto at any point. The change always applies from the beginning of the following month. The merchant can make this change in the GoCrypto Merchant Dashboard, a free tool with a simple-to-use interface that provides a comprehensive overview of their business through GoCrypto.

Apart from the option to change the currency of the received settlement, the GoCrypto Merchant Dashboard offers the following useful features:

  • Overview of all transactions in the GoCrypto system

Filter transactions, check details and track general statistics of transactions.

  • Company and store info management

Edit the data on your company and/or on all your stores that accept GoCrypto.

  • Add additional stores

As your business expands, easily add new local or online stores to accept crypto payments.

  • Simple paperwork for effective business

Overview all payouts received and export accounting reports. Have all finance-related information at reach.

Interested in accepting crypto at your store?
Create an GoCrypto account in minutes.

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