The Eligma team video

GoCrypto Blog
2 min readApr 9, 2018


We have been very busy working on the smart commerce platform Eligma that will save you time while shopping, make it possible for you to track and resell what you have and enable you take part in a single loyalty program for all participating stores. Last week though, we had the opportunity to do one of the more fun things in a crowdsale process — shooting a team video.

Although none of us are movie stars (yet!), we all enjoyed taking turns in front of the camera with different levels of success. All three of our co-founders joined us and some of our advisors chipped in as well. After a day of hustle and bustle in an office filled with filming equipment most of us felt more tired than working on the product we feel so passionate about, so I don’t think we will be losing team members to Hollywood anytime soon.

We hope you have at least as much fun watching the video as we had making it!

As you can see, we built a large and diverse team that will ensure Eligma becomes a reality. Our video is meant as a thank you to the community for helping us and believing in the idea.

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