The shopping of the future: The customer-centric approach

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2018

Commerce is one of the most important ways of interaction. The world has seen amazing technological development, but buying, selling and exchanging things remain essential ways of bringing people together. Through commerce, we collaborate, negotiate and invent things that are useful. At some point, however, mainstream commerce went into a direction that is not only ineffective, but also not best suited to those who support it as customers on a daily basis. The problem lies in the one-way flow of the goods on the market.

This one-way commerce focuses on selling to the consumer, who is seen exclusively as the buyer of the product. Most goods that are advertised today are brand new; although used things represent the majority of the valuables we own, their resale still holds an alternative status. In this way, goods do not circulate, but go in a single direction — into our households.

Eligma consists of believers into user-friendly commerce solutions. We see effective goods circulation as one of our most important missions. Through its inventory feature, the Eligma platform will be able to log one’s every purchase and monitor its value over the course of time, suggesting the best time to resell it and enabling automated listings on online selling sites. This kind of approach will not only enable our customers to keep track of their expenses, but also to get some money back through the resale.

The Eligma customer will therefore be at the centre of the commerce process. Every buyer will be able to become a seller of the things that they no longer need, which will give households the opportunity of additional income. The underlying technology will be based on AI and blockchain, enabling smart product searches/listings as well as safe purchases and sales of goods through smart contracts. Eligma’s customer-centric approach is one where the commerce does not stop when we buy something. Every purchase already has the potential for a future sale.

For Eligma, a customer-friendly approach is also connected with multiple payment options. The average consumer does not have much time and wishes the payment transaction to take place as fast and safely as possible. Instead of the customer carrying around cash, bank cards, loyalty cards as well as the mobile phone, Eligma wishes to integrate different ways of payment. Its Elipay system, now in the testing phase, will enable purchases with cryptocurrencies at physical and online stores through a mobile app, in which merchants can receive either crypto or fiat. In this way, Eligma wishes to contribute to commerce by making various types of currencies and payments part of the mainstream. This offers alternatives to the market participants, in line with Eligma’s vision of the shopping of the future.

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