This is big: 19 Big Bangs with Elipay!

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2019

Big Bang is the leading consumer electronics and house appliance retailer in Slovenia. This is no coincidence as their commerce concept reflects the latest consumer trends. Elipay — the system for quick and easy payments with cryptocurrencies, is part of their holistic customer experience.

You can use Elipay as a payment option at all of Big Bang’s 18 physical stores nationwide and at its e-commerce site, so 19 shops in total! It is a great recognition that our product is part one of the highlights of entrepreneurship in Slovenia. More even, Big Bang plans to increase its yearly sales revenue by 50 million EUR over the next three years — to more than 180 million EUR in total.

Big Bang on Elipay:

“At the Big Bang company, we always strive to meet the expectations of our customers and provide them with the best service possible. A purchase namely doesn’t start at the shop and doesn’t finish with the payment; for this reason, we have introduced numerous services desired by our clients. As cryptocurrencies are gradually entering daily life, we have enabled our buyers … to also be able to pay for the goods and services through the Elipay system.”

Elipay now serves over 420 locations in Slovenia and in Croatia. Would you like to accept crypto at your shop or service? GoCrypto and get Elipay now!

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