What Is QR Code And How Does It Work? Some Facts And Questions

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2021

Advanced technology makes digital activities more and more simple. You just scan a code with your phone camera and a website pops up. Practical! So, what is QR code and how does it work? Let’s take a look.

What Is QR Code And How Does It Work?

QR stands for ‘quick response’. It is a type of barcode used for easy access to online information through QR scanners built into digital devices, most often into their cameras. A QR code is a series of pixels shaped as a square grid; it can store information about a variety of things — for accessing websites, managing supply chains, getting more product info … The barcode reader in the camera reads the bar code, which can contain a link to a webpage, or lead to sending an SMS or even calling a phone number.

What Is The Purpose Of QR Code?

As the name suggests, the QR code enables faster and easier data reading. The first QR code system was invented in 1994 by the Japanese company Denso Wave for accurate tracking of vehicles and their parts during the manufacturing process. Now, however, the QR code has a wide range of use in different industries. Its main advantages are process optimisation, easy content adding and transparency.

What Is The Difference Between Barcode And QR Code?

As a matter of fact, QR codes were invented to replace traditional barcodes. Standard barcodes can only be read from top to bottom. One-directional reading only allows the storing of small amounts of information, usually in an alphanumeric format. In contrast, the QR code is read in two dimensions, from top to bottom and from left to right; this allows for more data storage, making URLs, phone numbers or short texts easily accessible through a quick scan.

Are QR Codes Safe?

QR code-generating software doesn’t collect any personal information, and QR codes can not be hacked, so they are generally safe. However, URLs that QR codes lead to can contain custom malware. Once your device has read the QR code, this could initiate some actions on your device, so caution applies.

Where Can QR Codes Be Used?

QR codes are used across all types of industries and fields, such as marketing, logistics, production, shipping, education … They can store big amounts of data and be used in very many ways:

  • as a direct link to a website or to download an app,
  • as authentication for online accounts and verification for logins,
  • for storing encryption details for Wi-Fi access,
  • for tracking,
  • for stock-taking in production, construction, engineering, retail …

Last but not least, a very rapidly increasing function of QR codes is that of sending and receiving payment information.

QR Code In Digital Payments

The QR code has certainly revolutionised the world of digital payments, i.e. payments with various digital devices such as phones, computers, etc. Digital payments are on the rise, and within them, alternative ways of payment (like cryptocurrencies) have started taking their share. And what does a payment with a QR code look like? Here is an example: at the creation of payment, the payment QR code is generated; the customer scans this code with their mobile crypto wallet, confirms the payment on their phone and the payment is executed.

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