Why integrate GoCrypto as a cashier system provider? 5 advantages.

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2019


Crypto technology is becoming very easy to integrate into cashier systems. Forget the times when accepting crypto was connected with long confirmation waits, complex technical knowledge and additional hardware. GoCrypto is a simple and fast infrastructure for accepting crypto at local and online stores. Here are a few advantages to integrate it as a cashier system provider:

1. Create a competitive edge

With GoCrypto, you will become one of the fewest cashier system providers with the option of accepting crypto (in addition to cash, credit cards, etc.).

2. Shape the trends in your area

GoCrypto has become one of the fastest growing payment options in the region — with 500+ active locations in Slovenia and Croatia. However, we are now also entering Switzerland, the UK, Turkey, Serbia and Bulgaria. Coming soon: Portugal, Hungary, Argentina, Colombia, Romania and Venezuela.

3. Simple and fast integration

GoCrypto aims to integrate into all the major cashier systems in the countries it enters. API access for custom integration is also available.

4. Provide your customers with many advantages

With GoCrypto as an additional payment option, your clients can:

· target high-end buyer base

· prepare for next-generation trends: research conducted in Germany in 2017 already showed that 11.4 % of participants expect to use crypto for payments in the future (source: statista.com)

· benefit from free integration and maintenance

· offer more payment options while their business remains the same: no additional hardware necessary

· receive settlements in their local currency (without any cryptocurrency risks); alternatively, we plan to offer settlements in crypto in countries with high inflation rates

· use one system for many wallets: more than 4 mio wallet users supported (Elly, Bitcoin.com Wallet) & more coming up

· enhance customer loyalty with a universal loyalty program: for every GoCrypto payment with the Elly wallet, the buyer receives up to 2 % token-back.

5. Choose from a variety of business opportunities

We are open to various forms of collaboration with cashier system providers. Visit GoCrypto.com or contact us at +386 51 495 865 or partners@gocrypto.com. Welcome on board!

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