Expanding Access to Quality Education

Quinn Skotnicki
Eliminating Barriers to Knowledge
2 min readMar 4, 2021
  • The UN goal I will be discussing is Goal 4: Quality Education
  • It is absurd that there are children in the world that experience little to no education opportunities. There are unfortunately many obstacles that are in the way of expanding education access to all. Eliminating these hurdles would allow for knowledge to run freely across the globe and open up many socioeconomic opportunities for the impoverished. This trend of getting rid of these barricades would open up education possibilities.
  • I have a strong belief that there are many future scientists, doctors, researchers, entrepreneurs, and world-changers out there that are simply not receiving the tools and opportunities that they need to be successful. I strongly believe in equality and creating a better world and giving access to quality education to everyone around the globe would be fulfilling both of those concepts. Everyone deserves to have the tools to succeed. They deserve to learn and open their minds to new information and then develop themselves from that information.
  • I think many people could benefit from my findings. I believe that anyone involved in the education system, or anyone with any political power should seek out information like this in order to develop a better world.
  • I am not particularly well versed in this subject, however I am aware of a few things. I understand the devastating impact this pandemic has created on the education system. More children than ever are forced to go without a quality education due to the necessity of quarantining. I also know that in poorer, less developed countries, education access can be scarce. Many girls don’t get to receive an education as they watch their brothers go to school everyday. At times, there is no education available for either gender. I am aware that often times the teachers, if available, are not educated enough themselves to properly teach. Thus, this creates a cycle of poor education.
  • After I have concluded my research, I hope I become more knowledgeable on this topic and have the ability to answer a few questions that currently have. One question I would like the answer to is how could we accomplish expanding education opportunities in a way that doesn’t create a large financial burden? Another I would like to discuss is how can we eliminate these barriers in a timely manner? Finally, I would like to know how we can go the extra mile and get other countries “up to speed” with our education systems.

