The Micro, Meso, and Macro Breakdown of Goal Four

Quinn Skotnicki
Eliminating Barriers to Knowledge
2 min readMar 10, 2021

The fourth goal of the UN entails a quality education for all. It is a broad statement with broken down target goals to section it off. The article, “Understanding Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on “quality education” from micro, meso, and macro perspectives,” by Ellen Boeren discusses and analyzes the goals in different perspectives to help better understand how the world can achieve this ambitious feat.

The author develops the analysis deriving from micro, meso, and macro points of view. Dr. Ellen Boeren is a researcher that focuses on lifelong learning and has a doctorate in education services. The author describes education from a micro-perspective as dealing with factors such as, “socio-demographic and socio-economic factors, people’s attitudes, confidence, interests, and motivation to learn” (2019). In other words, this refers to the idea of where the subjects live, how much they earn, and how they view education. The research shows that kids with educated parents perform better and end up more successful in life and also view education as a good thing instead of a struggle (Boeren, 2019). She goes onto explain the components of a meso-level perspective; “the structure of the educational offers available in the institution; the ways in which learning and pedagogical practices are organised; and the qualification levels of staff members” (2019). This refers to the idea that a meso point of view is needed to understand the complexities of education, that the way education is handled and administered is a part to play in the overarching goal of quality education. Lastly, referring to a macro context of goal number four, she states, “In short, macro-level factors tend to relate to legal and financial rules and regulations, the overarching educational systems in place in a country or devolved region, and the socio-political ideologies of the country or region” (2019). This says that concerning education, a macro perspective deals with the nation and its ideas about education affecting the system and how that can relate to students receiving a quality education.

Through the micro, meso, and macro analyses of the targets of goal four, Dr. Ellen Boeren explains how there are some barriers to accomplishing it. She believes that within a micro context, “it is important that individuals understand the importance of education and training, linked to the potential benefits these can generate” (2019). In other words, it is hard to convince people of certain ideas, but once we are able to stress enough that education and training is vital for for success and can produce many benefits, it will help create a step towards change. She goes on to explain that another barrier lies at the meso-level understanding; that sufficient training and institutions must be created and upheld to accomplish anything within the goal (Boeren, 2019). Through the analyses of goal four at micro, meso, and macro levels, one is able to understand a bit more about the obstacles that guard the success of the goal.


Boeren, E. (2019). Understanding Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on “quality education” from micro, meso and macro perspectives. International Review of Education, 65 (2).

