Study the altcoins and pick the best sheep from the flock

Max Neuhaus
Crypto Elite Club
Published in
10 min readJul 15, 2021

If you’re only getting involved in the cryptocurrency industry, it can be very difficult. You’re unfamiliar with anything tied to it and swirling around it. Are you going to use an online crypto wallet or a hardware wallet? All of the public and private key emails, which you must also search during transactions and should not lose!

The first moment you have to struggle with gas prices, and in any situation, working out a trade and how to live with it.

Then there are all the various blockchains, because if you send the coins from one blockchain to the incorrect one, you will lose all of your coins.

Do you really have it all, whether you go short or long, in bull and bear markets, with stop losses and NFTs? If you’ve gotten this far, I’m guessing you can, even if it’s just maybe or right now.

Since the next move is to purchase altcoins, and you’ve learned that you should do your study. So what precisely do you look into? In this article, we hope to be able to address this comment. We will investigate and analyze how to research an altcoin in depth. What to look for, where to find facts about coins, and what this information entails

Why do you need to conduct crypto research?

The purpose you should study a crypto coin before purchasing it is to see if it is something that you want and believe in. You join a specific project that is supported by real people who work together to make their project a success.

While you do not become a partner, you do spend your own capital. As a result, it is prudent to do research on each cryptocurrency project in the same manner that you might if you were interested in investing in stocks or other useful ventures. You may even equate it to purchasing a home or a vehicle. Before reaching a choice, you do extensive analysis and compare various alternatives.

If you plan to invest in altcoins, an in-depth review will assist you in selecting the currency with the greatest long-term prospects and some benefit. If you don’t, it’s possible to lose your investment capital easily, something you obviously don’t want to do, right?

To begin, it is important to understand that crypto trading often entails emotional moments. You would either remember to switch certain feelings off or learn to cope with them. You can have times where you have ‘fear of missing out’ (FOMO). You must brace yourself for extreme fluctuations in the crypto industry and its environment. It is possible for cryptocurrencies to climb by 40–50 percent in a single day.

When you see huge spikes on trading sites, try to learn the FOMO and don’t worry too much that you start selling other commodities and only investing in a single currency.

Before making an expenditure, it is also a smart idea to research and determine based on as much knowledge as possible that can be found online. If you do this and continue to trust in your research, you will be able to remove FOMO as far as possible.

Setting up a series of rules and instructions will assist in keeping the data flow logical. This also enables you to do more accurate and effective analyses and contrasts.

First and foremost, it is important to understand that all investments have advantages and drawbacks. Don’t give up if it’s tough at first. However, if you put in the work, you can ultimately acquire skills that will aid you in your coin analysis. Over time, it often gets clearer and quicker to spot investment prospects.

But first, let’s take a peek at those instant deal-breakers. Take these to heart, and don’t lose time or money if you encounter any of the above. If you come across several points when testing a coin, it is best to stop and look for a more accurate coin. Coins with one or more of these characteristics are more prone to crash.

You could be unable to locate details regarding a cryptocurrency due to either of the following factors:

  • The data simply does not exist or is incredibly difficult to locate.
  • There are occasions where it is impossible to determine if a source is reliable or not.
  • Any aspects of the knowledge may be outside the technological capabilities.
  • Reading, comprehending, and recording something will take a long time.
  • There are four clear warning flags, and if you see one or two of them, you can consider switching to a different currency.

Investing without experience is essentially gambling. Profitability is solely determined by chance, rather than by experience and rigorous analysis. You might just as well chuck the money out the window. Please notify me before you do so, and I will go downstairs with a bag to collect the money.

It is also possible to detect scams more accurately and quickly with proper testing. Unfortunately, there are many criminals who would want to rob your money in devious ways. The cryptocurrency universe is no exception.

Finally, we will mention that by doing your own analysis, you will decide whether you choose to end a project. Assume you spent because of the CEO, but he eventually exits. Then you’ll want to bring the capital out of the project as soon as possible.

We’ll now make a collection of various points that you can use with your research; they’ll be in random order, but the important part is that you remember all of them and do something about them. These points will assist you with your altcoin analysis.

What is the concept or business strategy behind a coin?

What issue will this project address? This may be anything; blockchain technologies and crypto coins are only in their infancy, and there are a variety of issues to be discovered on the numerous blockchains. Many crypto ventures attempt to suggest or have solutions to this issue.

Scalability, transaction volume, and the cost of gas are only a couple of the options available.

Other coins, such as Decentraland or The Sandbox, enable you to save, speculate, save with no-loss lotteries, or purchase virtual property. The options are limitless.

Find the following points as well:

  • Is the project’s concept logical, and is it straightforward to explain?
  • Is blockchain a good technology for this project?
  • How well does the team understand the scope of the dilemma they are attempting to solve?
  • Can they get who their intended audience is?
  • How much capital is changing hands in this business, and do they know?
  • Do they have a well-defined economic strategy?
  • Is there a strong demand for the product?
  • Do you suppose you’d like to try the substance for yourself?


The plan depicts the project’s milestones and objectives. You will see what the project has accomplished, what the project hopes to do, and where improvement is currently being made.

  • Is there already a functioning version, or will one be released in the near future?
  • Is the commodity or strategy easily distinguishable from related goods on the market?
  • Are any rival goods priced in the same way?
  • Is the product satisfactory?
  • Is the device now being used by a large number of people?
  • Will there be additional production soon or on time?

It’s still worth reviewing to see whether the project has met any of its “major” objectives, or if there are any exciting developments planned for the future. Furthermore, the timeline may be helpful for determining how effectively the team is doing its duties within a certain time frame. It does not instill much faith to see a project consistently unable to meet the target.

The Rivalry

This can have a positive or negative impact.

For example, a tiny new currency tries to compete with Ethereum, which is a good thing. Ethereum, on the other hand, is difficult to get rid of. When there is an extension or development for Ethereum, the narrative shifts.

It is not ideal for your project if there are multiple rivals with the same concept. The more creative the approach, the more likely your idea would thrive.

It is critical to determine if the team considers the rivalry or if there is any competition outside of the crypto universe.

It’s also a smart idea to see how many rivals have the same or identical idea as you, and how large these competitors are.

Why is this initiative more likely to thrive if there is competition?

Go to the website

You don’t want to skip out on a visit to the project website. You will find a lot of material about other aspects of the study here, and it often reveals how accessible a project is to its goals and context information. Are the roadmap and whitepaper, for example, easily accessible? Is it simple to find details about the project’s team?

Reaching directly at a project’s webpage has the benefit of seeing the content that the team believes is most relevant. After all, everybody needs to know what distinguishes one coin from another, and teams would be proud to post this information on their websites!


The whitepaper contains detailed information regarding the initiative. You should be able to locate the project’s technological, commercial, and financial components here. The roadmap can be addressed as well.

The financial aspect of the project, including token allocation, who receives how many, and the number of tokens issued, should be well reflected here. Is the token clarified correctly, and is it useful?

It is important that they have a thorough overview of how they want to address the dilemma. This must also be explained in a clear manner such that it is simple to implement and you understand how the project will be set up and carried out.

Some white papers do this very well, whereas some are contradictory or inconsistent about several issues. So, is the project well represented, or is it all about the latest project’s hype?

Is the computer code and technological information well explained? Finally, is enough consideration given to the team, advisers, and partners?

The token’s or coin’s features, as well as its market capitalization

The biggest issue here is why you like this coin in the first place.

The project must be well-designed in order to render the currency appealing to investors. If the proposal looks interesting on paper but has little to contribute that brings value to the project, it is not worth investing in.

The scheme has no chance of success if there is little market for the currency.

You also consider the crypto currency’s ‘circulating supply’ and ‘absolute supply.’ If the gap between these two is high, inflation can occur. The greatest thing is that all of the coins are still in use.

You can still look at how many coins the squad has on hand. If that number is too big, say 50–60% or more, it is best not to invest in this currency. It is preferable if the coins are in the hands of as many separate individuals or groups as possible.

Examine the coin’s overall market capitalization and how it compares to other currencies and rivals.

CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko are two excellent websites for doing cryptocurrency study. The currency’s status can be seen here, as well as links to the wiki, the whitepaper, an overview of the currency, and all the ins and outs of the currency’s value, rise / fall.


You want to know whether the money is currently exchanged on one or two markets and if it is attempting to be placed on a wider market. Examine the exchange rate as well; is it big or low?

You have a benefit if the coin is on a tiny exchange so you will be among the first to purchase it, but you would want the coin to expand enough that it ends up on a larger exchange.

Team members, advisors, and collaborators

The team is the project’s cornerstone. Who makes up the team? What is their track record, and is the team diverse enough? Is there anybody with blockchain expertise in the legal or communications fields, as well as group managers?

Do the majority of team members, for example, have a connection to their LinkedIn profile and are they active in the network, such as Telegram or Twitter?

Examine the contractors as well, so they will instill trust in a project. You will see who is actually utilizing the project when looking at the collaborators. Often, a team is eager to exchange this knowledge.

Content that is trendy and hyped

For a new coin, we aim to generate as much excitement as possible. This will allow the currency to grow rapidly, but after the excitement wears off, the currency will decline quickly again.

Surprisingly, a poor coin with a ton of excitement will perform better, but a decent coin with too little hype sometimes cannot.

Since a successful narrative clearly sells, the hype material is important. Coins that skyrocket in value almost always have a compelling backstory.

Social Media

This is really significant in the hyping of a coin. What is the team’s level of activity on Reddit, Discord, Twitter, Telegram, Youtube, and Facebook?

Twitter has been such an integral part of the cryptocurrency world that you can assume any project to have an account and to keep you up to date with news and important events.

Telegram is a perfect way to provide analysis information and you will get direct responses from both the staff and the audience. You’re still not bothered by email or GIFs.

Forums are also useful for research; consider Bitcoin Talk, which has been around for a long time. Satoshi Nakamoto created the cryptocurrency in 2009. It is also a spot where you can find the most recent Bitcoin announcements, altcoin debates, and new product launches.

We’ve now discussed why you choose to do studies. As a result, it is important that you understand what you are invested in and that you should not risk funds inadvertently. That is why it is never a safe idea to invest in a cryptocurrency based on the recommendation of others. It is important that you do your own analysis.

We also addressed how you should approach this research in depth and have given detailed examples for each point. We’ve brought you to a water supply, but we can’t let you drink from it. It is now up to you to do a detailed investigation.

After doing your study, choose a coin in which you have confidence. It is often wise to invest in several coins rather than putting all of your eggs (or coins) in one basket.

Originally published at on July 15, 2021.

