Why You Should Invest in Crypto from a “Value” Perspective in 2021

Max Neuhaus
Crypto Elite Club
Published in
7 min readJun 10, 2021

What did our members learn after making more than +1,000% of profit in cryptocurrency?

If you’re going to ask them, I bet, a lot.

They’ve learned how to position themselves as “smart” investors regardless of the market’s condition.

They’ve learned about the different investments that we personally picked to help them get the same results we had projected.

Above all, they’ve learned how to invest in crypto from a value perspective and now they know how it works allowing them to make bigger gains even in bearish markets.

In this article, we show you exactly how we got proven results with targeted value investments we picked in the last couple of months.

The crypto market, in general, is currently under correction — Bitcoin in particular. We don’t know which direction it will go from here in the short term. But how do we anticipate if a market correction is still imminent?

The answer is value investing.

Value investing in cryptocurrency is the key in this stage to help you make bigger gains. You need to position yourself as a “smart” investor where you would have an edge in case the correction happens (or is already happening). This is where you make the most gains: No matter if the market would go into a correction or it will go back into a parabolic uptrend, in both cases you win!

What is Value Investing in Crypto?

Value investing is an investment strategy that focuses on picking stocks that investors and the market at large underappreciated.

Value investors don’t believe in the efficient-market hypothesis, which says that stock prices already take all information about a company into account, so their price always reflects their value. Instead, value investors believe that stocks may be over or underpriced for a variety of reasons.

How Value Investing works?

Value investing is the process of doing detective work to find these secret sales on crypto and buying them at a discount compared to how the market values them. In return for buying and holding these value crypto for the mid to long-term, investors can be rewarded handsomely.

Our recent results of crypto investing with value

We have called many crypto trades lately with high value. Let me just randomly name a few of them so you can understand what investing in value is all about. Here’s what we have picked in the past few months:

1. Ramp Defi (RAMP)

2. Darwinia Network (KTON)

3. Solana (SOL)

Now, let’s start with Ramp Defi (RAMP) first.

1. Ramp Defi (RAMP)

Ramp is a crypto with high value. It’s an undervalued DeFi project made for big institutional investors. This project is for the long run and was (and still is) in its early stages. Aside from the strong project fundamentals we have described in our RAMP report, the following crucial information we had shown below made us want to invest in this project and ride the waves up at the right moment.

  • We knew the token burn would happen and about to be announced by the Ramp team.
  • We knew Binance listing was coming and about to be announced by the Ramp team
Link to Coinmarketcap graph: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ramp/

We signaled Ramp on November 23, 2020, and it made us +2300% profit gains from our investment in Ramp according to our signal. If you would have invested as we did, you could get the same results as we had.

2. Darwinia Network (KTON)

KTON is a crypto with high value. It’s an undervalued DeFi project. This would mean this project is for the long run and was (and still is) in its early stages. Aside from the strong project fundamentals the following information below made us want to invest in this project and ride the waves up.

KTON token will become literally scarce

Polkadot Founder Gavin Woods talked about the Darwinia Bridge Chain during the Polkadot tour in China.

Link to Coinmarketcap graph: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/darwinia-commitment-token/

We signaled KTON in November and it made us +324% profit gains. If you would have invested $1,000 in KTON according to our signal, then you would have made $3,240.

And we are confident that KTON is still a value investment. You can read our report article here which we have published in our Medium blog after the summer of 2020.

3. Solana (SOL)

SOL has always been an undervalued crypto investment since early before the summer of 2020. Looking from a fundamental perspective, we are confident that SOL is still a value investment, no wonder why it’s extremely strong that investors nowadays are talking about SOL.

Let me share you an example when we have signaled to buy more SOL on January 22nd 2021:

Link to Coinmarketcap graph: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/solana/

We signaled SOL in December, and it made us +400% profit gains. The profit for this trade is still increasing, and the current profit right now is +800%. If you would have invested $1,000 in SOL according to our signal, then you would have made $4,000.

Since this is a BTC pairing trade, we can expect even more gains once BTC continues the uptrend soon.

We knew exactly when to buy more; it was because the seed investors were allowed to sell their tokens when they were allowed to according to their token release schedule, and it happened. A great buy opportunity in USDT pairing to ride more waves up from here.

See the result below! And, at the time of this screenshot our percentage gain was +800%, currently it’s +1,200%, but we’re confident our Elite Club members could end up +2,000% before the summer.

Link to Coinmarketcap graph: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/solana/

Aside from the strong project fundamentals, the following information below made us want to invest in this project and ride the waves up;

KTON token will become literally scarce

Polkadot Founder Gavin Woods talked about the Darwinia Bridge Chain during the Polkadot tour in China

At this moment we have a couple of calls with high value. Crypto with high value because it works exclusively on Binance, aside from the fact that Binance is hot, it has strong fundamentals as well; increasing and gradually outperforming the leaders (outperformed TVL), big news coming up like token burning and airdrops scheduled and potential Coinbase and Grayscale listings. These are signs of strong fundamentals.

We know when private investors of a certain project will start selling their tokens, this means opportunity for us to buy in a cheaper price

So even if we would go into a market correction, we are confident that we will still be able to make a decent profit once the correction is over pretty quickly instead of a long wait before the market in general recovers.

Interested in joining us?

Join the most valuable Elite Club in the crypto space today and start changing your life!

As you have seen we share a lot of high-value investment opportunities. I recall, we are currently in a ‘dip’ and a big move is happening soon. We have shared many high value ‘gems’ with our Elite Club Premium members, and we cannot wait to share the big percentage gains here after a few months, like we did in the previous months.

Are you going to watch us, or are you going to be part of it this time?!

Crypto COULD be a life-changing opportunity for you, only if you do the right things, the first things right. Click here to join us now!

Join with a discount today!

With limited daily slots, get there before others do!

Starting the month of June, we are currently running a whopping discount on our Premium Gold and Premium Platinum membership plan — it’s the key to your gateway to successful crypto investments!

** Please note that after this month June there would be no big discount anymore to join us. You can still join us and gain access to our investment platform, however, you need to buy and hold our Crypto Elite Club tokens, which potentially could cost you more to join the Elite Club. To join us now go to our homepage and choose your package: https://eliteclubsignals.com/ (on our website you may contact the chatbot and they will provide you the discount code)

** In July we have planned to release our platform with insights & analytics AND allocation for a hot Private sale deal. We cannot reveal too much yet, we will soon, but we can assure you that this project is trending in a hot niche built on the Binance Smart Chain, with a first movers advantage, working product, and proven team that launched successful projects already).

Originally published at https://eliteclubsignals.com on June 10, 2021.

