Insight: How To Update Your Personal Details In The Elitium App?

Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2021

Personal data is something we all want to protect online.

And the ‘Settings’ page of the Elitium app is where you’ll manage this information. In the following blog, we’ll share a quick run-through of what you can access across each of the ‘Settings’ tabs.

Let’s get to it.

Deep-Dive: 9 Tabs On The ‘Settings’ Page

The ‘Settings’ page has nine tabs in total. Here’s a brief overview of the detail included under each one:

  1. Profile: See all personal information associated with your account, including your name, current tier, account balance, and other personal details.
  2. Verification: Check your current KYC status and, once verified, add information relating to the origin of your funds to unlock further account privileges.
  3. Orders: Review the current status of your EUM orders, seeing how much EUM you’ve bought at what price and if the transaction has been processed.
  4. Preferences: Update basic details like your preferred currency, the format of numbers across your account, announcement settings, and your local time zone.
  5. Security: Choose which two-factor authentication method to use, check for suspicious account activity, and add an extra security layer to transactions.
  6. Activity: Dig a little deeper into your activity, including the devices and browsers used to access your Elitium account.
  7. Privacy: Control what you share with Elitium and make requests around how we use or process your personal data.
  8. Payment Methods: Add or remove deposit and withdrawal methods, choosing between bank and crypto methods or a mix of the two.
  9. Crypto Address: A list of the cryptocurrency addresses associated with your Elitium account, including a copy button for quick access.

Explore Smarter Wealth Management

The Elitium App offers a smarter way to manage your wealth. And we do the same with your personal information.

That’s why the settings page offers such comprehensive data management options. But if you feel something is missing, get in touch with the team at and ask us to look into a new feature.

We always love to hear from our community.

Enter a new world of wealth management: create an Elitium account today.



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