From Assumption to Understanding: The Indispensable Role of User Research in UX Design

Cherokee Mahoney
Human Powered Design
5 min readSep 5, 2023

In an age marked by rapid digital transformation, one thing remains clear- understanding your user is the heart of creating exceptional experiences. This focus is at the core of User Experience (UX) Design, a multi-disciplinary field that includes facets like visual design, information architecture, content strategy (and more!). At Elixel, we live and breathe UX design, and one component that we consider non-negotiable in our design process is User Research.

What is UX design?

UX or User Experience design is all about enhancing the interaction between users and various digital products to ensure it’s as smooth, intuitive, and enjoyable as possible. While the scope of UX design is wide (from visual design and information architecture to usability and functionality) one element that often stands as a make-or-break factor is User Research.

What is User Research?

User Research is the process of understanding user needs, behaviours, and attitudes through various methodologies. Far from being an optional component, User Research is integral to successful UX design- it’s in the name! The aim is not just to assume what users want but to understand them down to the nitty-gritty. This means observing, interviewing, or even just talking to the people who will use the product, be it an app, website, or any other digital interface.

It provides invaluable insights that drive informed design decisions, reducing the risks associated with assumptions and subjectivity.

The User Research toolkit

User Research is not monolithic; it involves a selection of methodologies (or “tools”) tailored to answer specific questions. Some of the widely employed methodologies include:

  • Interviews: These are utilised to gather nuanced, qualitative information directly from the users. Through one-on-one discussions, we can explore individual perspectives in great depth.
  • Surveys: Useful for gathering quantitative data, surveys are employed to understand user preferences and behaviours on a larger scale. These are particularly beneficial when you need statistical insights.
  • Usability Testing: This involves real users interacting with your product under controlled environments. Observing users as they navigate through the product provides actionable insights into usability issues — read more on user testing in our Cracking User Testing in 6 easy steps blog.
  • Card Sorting: In this method, users are given a set of cards with terms or concepts written on them. They are then asked to categorise or prioritise these cards, helping researchers understand how users classify and structure information.
  • Contextual Inquiry: This involves observing users in their natural environment to better understand how they interact with a product. It’s like ethnographic research but within the specific context where the product is used.
  • A/B Testing: Also known as split testing, this involves showing users two versions of a webpage or app feature to determine which performs better in terms of user engagement, conversion rates, or other metrics.
  • Focus Groups: These are moderated discussions with multiple users that can provide broad overviews of user attitudes, ideas, and opinions. However, the findings are often less actionable compared to other methodologies.
  • Heatmaps: These visualise where users click, scroll, or hover on a webpage, providing insights into user behaviour and preferences.
  • Diary Studies: In this longitudinal study, users are asked to keep a diary recording their interactions and impressions while using the product over a period of time.
  • Task Analysis: This involves breaking down the tasks that users undertake into sub-tasks and steps, to understand the cognitive processes and pain points involved.
  • Affinity Diagramming: This technique is used to categorise data and ideas, typically after user interviews or focus groups. By identifying patterns, we can better understand user behaviour and preferences.
  • Think-Aloud Protocol: Users are asked to verbalise their thoughts as they interact with the product. This offers immediate insights into their thought process, problem-solving strategies, and areas of confusion or satisfaction.
  • User Journey Mapping: This involves plotting out the various touch-points that users will interact with while engaging with a product, helping to identify potential pain points and opportunities for improvement.

Components of a Typical User Research Scenario

While each User Research journey is unique, they generally include key steps such as:

  • Defining Objectives: What are you trying to understand or solve?
  • Selecting Methodologies: Choosing the research methods/tools most apt for your goals.
  • Participant Recruitment: Identifying and selecting the individuals who will take part in the research.
  • Data Collection: Gathering user feedback and behavioural data.
  • Data Analysis: Drawing meaningful insights from the gathered data.
  • Creating Deliverables: Producing documentation such as user personas, journey maps, or usability reports that encapsulate the findings.

Though these provide an example, it is important to remember that each User Research journey is tailored to the specific needs and constraints of the project. The unifying goal across all projects, however, is a deep understanding of the people who will interact with the end product.

User Research at Elixel — a part of the whole

At Elixel, User Research is a central thread in our discovery process. Beyond understanding user needs and behaviours, we also delve into the business needs and priorities. This holistic understanding allows us to balance both spheres effectively, leading to a final product that is not only highly usable but also perfectly aligned with business objectives.

What do we mean by “users”?

Users can be anyone who interacts with the product, whether they are customers, staff members, stakeholders, or even other businesses. The beauty of user research is that it can be tailored to understand any subset of this larger group.

By employing targeted research, we are able to gain insights pertinent to each user type, further enriching the design process.

Advantages of User Research

In a world flooded with digital products, you want to stand out, and user research offers that extra oomph. Such projects often yield higher user satisfaction, are more aligned with user needs, and thereby yield better returns on investment. It’s like choosing between a tailored suit/dress and and off-the-rack; both will serve the purpose, but one will stand out amongst all else and fit you like a glove.

Outputs of User Research

The output of user research usually manifests in various forms like user personas, journey maps, and usability reports. These act as guidebooks for the UX design process, essential reference materials that guide subsequent design decisions, ensuring the user remains central to the design.

User Research is central to creating products that resonate with users and meet business objectives. At Elixel, it forms an integral part of our discovery process, enabling us to design experiences that are both compelling for the user and strategically aligned with business needs. Through the systematic gathering and analysis of user data, we are empowered to make informed decisions that elevate the overall quality and effectiveness of the digital products we create for you.

If need support in delivering user research, get in touch with our expert user research team team.

And if you enjoyed this blog why not try our How to build a product with purpose blog here.



Cherokee Mahoney
Human Powered Design

Passionate Researcher & Analyst, championing the user voice and business goals for strategic, balanced solutions.