Dawn of PUI (Personalized/Precise User Interfaces) — Introduction

Eyal Arasu
Elix Labs
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2017

Internet have made the whole world a village, finding information have never been easier. Being connected is no more a wish, in-fact its getting exponential, anything and everything is connected (from your lights at home to sprinklers to blood testkits to microwaves). Connectivity would continue to rise and every decade would bring an exponential amount of devices and thereby people even more closer to information.

Now, the enormity of the problem is the amount of data collected and made available as information. Lets take a look at this a bit more as this would be the area of challenge for most companies and a boon for companies who want to provide differentiation to their customers

Lets take a use case — Go to pizza store online, select pizza (and 5 choices with that), add to cart, go to summary, verify, login, make payments — sounds like too many steps, but its much faster than what was in previous decade isn’t it. Now what’s happening, what can be done better ? Lets see — Hey alexa “Order me a pizza with extra cheese”! thats it! It would get me my favorite Supreme large veggie pizza. Now the same uttered by say my spouse would get a medium pepperoni instead as per her preference. That is what is ‘Precise’ or ‘Personalized’ User experience.

Lets take few more use cases to understand them better:

“how many leads in last week of last quarter” — understands you are the CIO and shows you an aggregate of sales leads for your company in last quarter

“was there an outage at amazon for last 3 days”

“can i apply for paternity leave?”

“sell my APPL stock before earnings?”

even better, you get auto — notified,

“hey, this is great time to change your mortgage to abc company and it would save 200$ per month, shall we discuss?”

“its best time to book your tickets for your vacation, same place like last year?”

“you should start hiring a educational counsel for your daughter as we discussed before”

These are very precise interfaces coming soon. In following blog posts we would see how to bring such systems to the market.

