iMessage Apps — right direction, but wrong turn?

Elix AI
Elix Labs
Published in
1 min readMay 26, 2017

If you haven’t heard about iMessage Apps, apple announced App Store for iMessage September last year (2016). Also, 2016 was a major year for all tech giants (Apple, Microsoft, Google, FaceBook) declaring Messaging as an important platform and they had the right vision for it.

FaceBook with its billion plus users on Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram had a better story on how it would lead in this platform play, till apple came along with its iMessage announcement. Apple with its simplified interface, its iMessage app is a killer for such platform play and definitely could make iMessage as the next generation App Browser. Definitely they spotted the trend and are in the right direction.

What is the wrong turn ? I personally think, they didn’t do the full story right (or) they intentionally trying to mess this whole paradigm for their motives

  1. Biggest weak point of an app is the installation process — you have to download and install an app that takes up space and time (no body wants to wait for 2–5 mins to try out something, unless the utility of such an app is far greater than the effort you put in to install)
  2. Development process — needless to explain here (if you still are puzzled, google for facebook bot development and iMessage apps).

Let me know your thoughts.

