#Anyonecancode: Finding your real potential

Liz Mr
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2018


Social Media Campaign

Case Study


#AnyoneCanCode is a social media campaign that is targeting the younger generations in order to increase awareness about coding and promote it as a career path because of the increasing demand for it in the workplace. There were many obstacles in making a nice, clean layout with an attractive design but it was possible with practice and time.

Context and challenge.

The objective of this project was to get the youth such as teenagers, children, and young adults acquainted with coding. The intention was to make it seem more compelling and approachable than how it is usually portrayed (as difficult and tedious). The main challenge to overcome was to make it look appealing while keeping it professional for a more diverse target audience, such as women and minorities, would find it interesting.

Process and Insight.

In this project, the designs and the messages were really tricky to accomplish. Creating the layout was difficult since the lack of sources of inspiration to look up. The colour was a bit complex to get right since the blue palette associated with technology can be considered a bit dull. Finally, it was hard to find a typography that was not too formal (in order to make it fun) but that also looked professional and clean.


There was a lot of trial and error designs before getting to a likable result. Experimenting with colours, shapes, typographies, and layouts was the only way to finally improve the design.


The learning experience of this project was the improvement of my understanding of the technological world aesthetics and how adapting designs can help a layout look more attractive.

Social Media Campaign Designs

I decided to put these designs on three social media platforms. I created three different designs, and I adapted each of them to the required dimensions for each platform.

Instagram Publications
Facebook Publications
Twitter Publications

