Should special education classes be in public schools?

Elizabeth Thomas
Elizabeth’s Writing
2 min readMar 10, 2024

Open your mind and accept who lives in your community. I believe everyone should be able to participate in school if they want to, and people with disabilities should have an equal opportunity to attend school. They want to learn just like everyone else, have classmates, and make friends, and they want a sense of normality and being like everyone else. People shouldn’t try and stop people with disabilities from being a part of our class and in our school.

They want to learn and have experiences just like everyone else. It may take them longer to learn and pick up material, but they want to learn new skills. They may not be learning the same material, but they are learning something new every day, just like everyone else. They are learning life skills in a school setting. There is something about having friends and talking to your classmates.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

School is where people make their friends and create bonds. People with disabilities want the same experience and have the opportunity to go where they can make friends. They are still able to socialize and form bonds with people. Connection means something to everyone, and everyone deserves the chance to make friends, especially school friends. They want to be just like everyone else and enjoy the same respect.

They may have some different learning styles but they still share some similarities and want to be like everyone within their community. They want to go to sporting events, dances, and pep rallies.

Why should we limit them and not give them all the same opportunities if they want to try something or attend a class? They should have the chance to do more than just stay in one class with the same students every day and the same teacher.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

