1inch integrates Elk on Optimism, Arbitrum, and Ethereum — Lodge Letter #62

FoxFortyTwo 🦊
Elk Finance
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2022

Another Elk Team member steps forward. Crypto sees a little market bounce-ette. What’s going on with FaaS, BaaS and cross-chain swaps?


We know that liquidity is at a premium in the markets right now, which is why DEX aggregators are so important for everyone. ElkDex is no exception. We are therefore delighted to say that 1inch has now added ElkDex liquidity pools and the ELK token to its service on Optimism, Arbitrum and Ethereum.

This now means that you can use 1inch on every chain where you find ElkDex AND 1inch. Happy swapping.


Farming-as-a-Service development has moved to the code review stage. Feedback has been passed on, changes made, and production-testing is underway. Another tool nears readiness for deployment.

Further to this is the continuation of cross-chain swap implementation, and we can report that the gas efficiency has now been optimized and testing is successful so far. Positive news all round on that front.

Bridging-as-a-Service is also being happily experimented with by Mr Snake Plissken, and the documentation is being added to as well. Baal has had his trusty keyboard cleaned, polished and set to 1000 wpm, and completion is firmly in sight.

Following Snake’s exploration of BaaS, he has vowed to host a workshop on setting up a custom bridge using the ElkNet SDK, and a video explainer is also on the horizon. An affable Canadian helping with a secure, fast and bespoke bridge for your token? Sounds great, eh?

Meet the Team

Here is one of the Elk OGs.

Xrexy aka E

It rather seems like a mysterious name but perhaps he doesn’t don’t like his name — try to pronounce it without bruising your tongue! You may not have seen E very often in the Elk Finance global channel, but this is to be expected since he is leading the way for Elk Finance’s Turkey community. Of course, this does not mean that he won’t help you if you need him to — make contact at any time. 🤝

How about some personal information in the impersonal world of crypto? He’s 29 years old (so young and vibrant), yet still worries about getting older! (Ah, the joys of youth — Ed.) He studied economics at university, but chose a somewhat different profession, and he’s been working in a different industry since graduation. He is currently an advertising and SEO consultant for several companies. He loves his job, his life and his cats. Yes, he has cats! Pro-feline indeed. And one of them is sick right now. Perhaps we could pray for her recovery? 🙏

Final words from the man himself:

I love the Elk Finance community. Take good care of yourself!😊- E



FoxFortyTwo 🦊
Elk Finance

Cross-chain. DeFi. Web3. (Arthera, Elk, more!) Technology start-up co-founder. Former teacher. Writer. Copyeditor. Marketer. Family first - work up from there.