Elk integrates BitTorrent Chain with its cross-chain bridge — Lodge Letter #64

FoxFortyTwo 🦊
Elk Finance
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2022

One thing for you this week. BitTorrent Chain, a decentralized blockchain with a promising and growing DApp Ecosystem.

BitTorrent Chain — BTTC

As part of the Tron Grand Hackathon Season Three, our ElkNet cross-chain bridge was deployed on BTTC this week. This connects BTTC with 20 other blockchains through the ElkNet. The ElkNet provides peer-to-peer cross-chain architecture that allows safe transactions between blockchains.

Blockchains exist in isolation. They cannot “talk” to one another. ElkNet is a translator, an interpreter, a conduit for communication. The future is one where ElkNet can send and receive messages from all ElkNet-connected chains, moving assets and messages between them all without causing fragmentation like existing bridge mechanisms.

ElkNet on BTTC, what’s that?

Right now you can move value across our supported blockchains by using $ELK as a transfer medium. Swap your assets to $ELK, bridge them securely to 21 blockchains and then swap to your desired asset on the other end. It’s fast, safe and only going to get easier when cross-chain swaps automate the swap-for-$ELK step.

Further down the development road is Bridging-as-a-Service where projects can build on top of ElkNet, create ElkNet native tokens (moving freely between blockchains 1:1, native on all chains), Farming-as-a-Service, where projects can self-custodially manage farming on the ElkDex thereby providing liquidity for their token with full control.

There’s a lot coming, and we’re glad to have BTTC join us on the journey.

About BTTC

EVM-compatible, BitTorrent Chain facilitates the seamless transfer of assets across mainstream public chains

  • Up to 7,000 TPS
  • One-click migration of smart contracts
  • Average transaction fee < $0.01
  • Supports customizable modules
  • Confirmation within 3s
  • Interoperability between Ethereum BTTC/TRON/BSC…
  • And now ElkNet adds the Elk interoperability future to BTTC!

Elk contracts on BTTC

Find the details of the contracts deployed on BTTC here: https://docs.elk.finance/addresses/bittorrent-chain

The new website is taking shape, Moose’s future is taking shape, BaaS is taking shape. Shapes everywhere.



FoxFortyTwo 🦊
Elk Finance

Cross-chain. DeFi. Web3. (Arthera, Elk, more!) Technology start-up co-founder. Former teacher. Writer. Copyeditor. Marketer. Family first - work up from there.