Elk Weekly Recap — #12

Roland Rood
Elk Finance
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2021

Welcome to #Elktober. This week saw two roadmap milestones completed to go with the continued Elk Season festivities. Read on for more!

Development Milestones

Network Milestones

Community Happenings

  • We previewed the design for our exclusive Elk Trading Card NFTs, which can be earned by completing Elk Season 2 challenges. Each card comes with a Spotify code that plays the character’s theme music
  • An AMA with HashEx, the security firm that audited Elk’s contract codes, happened on Elk Discord
  • We started translating our website documentation into additional languages, starting with Vietnamese
  • Elk sponsored a pre-sale for Whale Platoon, a forthcoming NFT release on BSC. Enter here to receive an exclusive discount when minting goes live
  • Elk was whitelisted on Timeswap, a DEX aggregator in Fantom
  • 0xTracker (0xTracker.app), a portfolio manager, added support for ElkDex on Avalanche, Fantom, BSC, and Polygon

Welcome to #Elktober.

As the leaves start to change to fall colors, Elk has quietly had one of its biggest weeks to date from a development standpoint. We hit two important roadmap benchmarks this past week, first with the introduction of single-staking pools across all six networks. Just yesterday, we added the ability to transfer funds to arbitrary token addresses. No rest for the Elk Devs!

We had high hopes for our long anticipated single staking rollout, but it’s instantly been more popular than we had even imagined. As of this post, there are nearly 500k $ELK, locked in single-staking pools. And even better, the rollout of these pools didn’t affect TVL in our liquidity pools. All of that suggest that indicates an incredibly positive outlook for Elk.

As usual, we can’t help but innovate. The contracts for these single-staking pools are customizable, meaning that moving forward there will be opportunities to earn other reward tokens from partner projects in addition to $ELK, a unique dual-reward design feature that we plan to highlight very soon.

The ability to transfer funds to any address on ElkNet is also an important step to realizing the full vision of Elk’s mainnet. With the forthcoming integration of cross-chain swaps, along with other roadmap features, Elk is growing into its full potential as a cross-chain DeFi gateway, giving users a truly seamless multi-chain experience that far exceeds a simple “bridge.”

Look out for additional features in the coming weeks. In the meantime, Elk Season continues with a ton of fun community activities and airdrops. This week we previewed our Elk Trading Cards NFTs, which we created for Elk Season. Will anyone be able to collect them all? It won’t be easy, but rest assured it will be worthwhile.

  • Improvements to ElkNet — an ongoing process of making it rock-solid and efficient
  • Spearheading developments with re-themed UI
  • Finalizing new website design & pushing it to development phase
  • More Elk Season challenges and rewards!

