Elk Weekly Recap — #19

Roland Rood
Elk Finance
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2021

Boosted farms, dual-token rewards, and a jam-packed schedule of AMAs and events marked the start of Elk Rush xDai. Read on for more…

Protocol News

Community Happenings

  • Agave (xDai) hosted Elk for a lively AMA on the Agave Discord channel
  • Elk was ranked among the top apps by volume on Avalanche
  • 1Hive TV posted a sharp YouTube overview of Elk and upcoming #ElkRush xDai events
  • Elk hosted BrightID (xDai) for an informative AMA in the Discord Elk Lodge
  • The Cronicle, a Cronos news source, welcomed Elk for an AMA on their telegram


Elk Rush xDai is off and running! Our new dual-rewards contracts went live without a hiccup on Wednesday, sending combined APRs through the roof across multiple farms.

Our real hope, however, is that once we’ve lured you across the ElkNet bridge, you’ll stick around and explore some of the unique projects over here. We’ve littered the path with opportunities to learn and connect with new projects and communities.

Crypto fatigue is real. If you can’t seem to get excited about the OHM fork-of-the-day, we invite you to drop into one of these sessions we have planned. There are so many interesting people in this space, and as members of a multi-chain community, we have rare access to the entire landscape.

Deciding to do something social (feels great after, btw)

Just a few minutes ago, in our Discord Elk Lodge, members of the BrightID team have been sharing their vision, covering topics from online pseudonymous identity verification to a tokenized UBI. Really interesting stuff.

Take a look below for a list of events in the coming week, and mark your calendar now with something that catches your eye.

After all, we’re here for the tech, right!?

Elk Rush xDai Events & Farm Launches

  • Monday (RIGHT NOW!): BrightID ($BRIGHT) farm launch
  • Tuesday: ShapeshiftDAO ($FOX) voice AMA in the Elk Lodge, 5pm EST
  • Wednesday: Xion ($XGT) voice AMA in the Elk Lodge, 5pm EST // Honeyswap (HNY) dual-token farm boost // Xion ($XGT) farm launch


  • BSC Moose sale announcement (Wednesday)
  • First parts of new elk.finance website go live!
  • New farms on Polygon, Cronos, Elastos, and Avalanche…

