Elk Weekly Recap — #22

Roland Rood
Elk Finance
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2021

New website. New chain launch. A few holiday treats still in store. Read on for more…

Protocol & Partnership News

  • Elk launched on Fuse Network. Check out the full announcement!
  • Our new website launched! Check it out: https://elk.finance/. Along with all of the updated information, the design gives a preview of the update for the dApp will follow in Q1 2022
  • We unveiled an exciting new partnership with Stag DAO, a treasury-based venture fund created to support depth of liquidity across Elk
  • Sherpa Cash (Avalanche), a privacy network, added deposit support for ELK
  • Several new dual-token farms went live: AVAI-ELK (Avalanche, rewards ORCA + ELK); RAREv2-ELK (xDai); SING-ELK (Fantom); PHOTON-ELK (Cronos)

Community Happenings

The ride has been a little bumply of late, hasn’t it, anon?

You knew there would be stretches like these along the way. Hopefully too, you’ve had a plan in place. The contents of that plan aren’t what’s important (sell! hold! buy more!) so much as it gives you something to point to before the turbulence hit.

It’s still hard. You don’t want to lose all you’ve gained. You also don’t want to miss out on a generational opportunity. There’s good reason to believe that this time actually will be different, clichés be damned.

We’re there with you. Fortunately, we have a plan, too.

Here’s where we say, “We’ll keep building!”

Well, that’s true. We will. Why else would we design our emissions to last upwards of a decade? (Honestly, it’s an underrated metric.) But there are far practical points to consider. Look at it this way: Elk is a largescale cross-chain/infrastructure solution that is creating durable links between all corners of the crypto universe. Diversification is built into our identity. And even compared to other brides, ours is designed to work the same regardless of market conditions. ElkNet doesn’t need to be fed.

We recommend this post “Top 3 Themes I’m Bullish & Bearish About in Crypto for 2022” by Tascha Che, a brilliant Macroeconmics PhD and CT (crypto twitter) personality. Take it from her:

3. Cross-chain solutions

There was little need for cross-chain asset transfer / interoperability when Bitcoin & Ethereum made up entire blockchain universe. That reality is changing fast.

As multiple alt L1s & eth L2s flourish, plus new chains created by web2 enterprises, transportation among crypto “nations” & “cities” becomes the next infrastructure challenge.

This sector is destined to grow. But there’s no mature/dominant players yet & it’s uncertain where the value-added will accrue…

Indeed. As we near the end of the year, it’s a good time to take a look at your portfolio and assess your long-term goals against your short-term digressions. It’s perfectly healthy to set aside a small fund for moonshots (our Founder this week let it slip on Telegram that he’d been sitting on a nice stack of Doge, left over from his mining days). Just make sure that your primary allocations match your convictions.

You know the great thing about roads?

People need them for moving in either direction.

  • The first of two airdrops for Moose NFT holders is happening tomorrow
  • A special boost for Cronos chain
  • An AMA with xDai Punks will happen tomorrow at 3pm UTC on Elk Telegram
  • Maybe another chain? That would bring us closer to 17, wouldn’t it?

