Lodge Letter #37: Avax Summit Recap

Roland Rood
Elk Finance
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2022

Elk’s trip to the Avalanche Summit in Barcelona was a great success! Plus: A list of updates to the new Elk dApp.

Greetings Elks,

Most of us are back from an incredible week in Barcelona, where the inaugural Avalanche Summit + Hackathon finished up yesterday morning. There were 8 of us who made the trip, and it’s fair to say that all of us in attendance had one of the best experiences we can remember in recent memory. It was amazing to put faces to names of projects and people (including our own team!) whom we’ve only connected with online.

Repping QR codes at the Avax Eco-Dome.

We can’t thank the folks at Avalabs enough for putting on a truly excellent event + program. The whole thing felt effortless, which we know in this case is inversely proportional to the amount of preparation that went into it. We each came away with a long list of new contacts and partners too, which you’ll surely be hearing about soon.

In case you missed it on the livestream, you can check out an archived video of our workshop presentation, “The Multi-chain Future.”

Everyones’ experience at this kind of event is unique, and we strategically spread out to reach as many people as possible, so I asked for some quick testimonials from teammates who are back at the desk today for their takes. Here’s what they shared:

It was clear we have a team that can stand with the best projects on Avalanche. We were well received, with excellent offerings including unique merch that helped projects identify us. […] Itamar from AVME built from scratch the first C++ Subnet, which won the hackathon. We synced up with him at the [Trader Joe] Frens Party and it was great to hear about his drive to build innovative technology and his commitment to building and growing with Elk. The same with Jomari [Snowball], who gave an excellent workshop on Smart Contract Lists. I could go on. It was a pleasure to meet so many partners.

Friday Night Social…Live from Barcelona!

The Summit left me feeling very confident about the future of DeFi, the collaborative nature of the community, and how awesome the Elk Finance community is!

I caught a few fantastic presentations. The Trader Joe Frens Party was a blast. Meeting other teams, like Avalabs, Pangolin, BitMart, Chikn, Coinbase, Chainlink, BitTrue, and BitGo (again, just a short list) was such an incredible experience. Talking in person gave us an opportunity to put faces to names and come up with even more ideas on how to keep building on Elk. So, to the bottom of my heart, thanks to the community for supporting Elk to make this whole thing possible!

If there was any downside, it was surely that, as a cross-chain network, we have partners on 15 other extraordinary ecosystems that we didn’t have the privilege to meet this time around.

Maybe there needs to be a cross-chain summit…?

Preparations continue for the launch of ElkNet v2 and the new chain launches that will come on its heels. We hope that you’ve been enjoying the beta launch of the new Elk app in the meantime, and thank you for submitting feedback and bug reports. Here’s a quick report from our devs of fixes from the last week:

Completed and released on Beta tasks from 21 Mar to 27 Mar:

  1. Fixed unpredictable crash in Swap;
  2. Underpriced transaction fault (slippage tolerance) was corrected in Swap;
  3. English was set as default and only language of UI until we implement multi-language support;
  4. Added “Impermanent Loss Coverage” on Farm page, when a user tries to Withdraw LP;
  5. Implemented automatic network adding to MetaMask and fixed network RPC and Block Explorer URLs;
  6. Added MetaMask deep link in mobile version. If users open dApp in a mobile browser and click connect the wallet, MetaMask Mobile app opens;
  7. Fixed processing token in URL;
  8. Added USDC-based price for main chain tokens;
  9. Improved stability with Coinbase and WalletConnect wallets;
  10. Added auto-switch wallets when connected to non-supported networks (e.g. Ethereum)

Remember, you can share suggestions here.

Have a great week!

