Lodge Letter #39: What a Rush…

Roland Rood
Elk Finance
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2022

ElkNet v2 deployed on Saturday, marking a new era for Elk. Read our recap of the launch event. Plus: Get ready for an exciting new campaign starting this week.

Greetings Elks,

All we can say is…

ElkNet v2 deployed Saturday evening, and v2 farms are all live as of last night. There were naturally a few minor hiccups, but every issue under our control was resolved quickly and an orderly token upgrade and migration to the v2 contracts is underway today.

That’s actually pretty incredible. This is by far the most complex launch in our protocol’s history, involving a completely renovated platform core, a token upgrade, a new app release, and 100+ new contracts all being pushed out together. The entire team put up a monumental effort over the last 72 hours, but the real lesson is that a rollout of this scale doesn’t come off without multiple weeks of advanced planning.

For those following our decision to temporarily halt support for Cronos, we plan to release a brief statement over the next day or two providing details on the issues that led us to the decision. We are in contact with Cronos and hope to redeploy as soon as they are able to resolve the network issues.

In case you’re just checking in, here’s an overview of the launch with a tutorial for the token upgrade — but really, it’s pretty intuitive. If you need to access the old platform to retrieve your $ELK from old farms, visit legacy.elk.finance. Remember, if you upgrade before the end of tomorrow, you’ll be entered into a raffle where 200 winners will receive 100 ELK each on Avalanche.

And speaking of Rush and Avalanche…

You didn’t think we’d just sit back after launching did you? There is *so much* cooking in the coming weeks, which has been waiting for v2 to come online. To kick things off, tomorrow we plan to unveil a new, monthlong Elk Rush campaign on Avalanche that will take place over the next month.

Look for an article tomorrow with more details, but get ready–we’ve enlisted a ton of network partners and co-sponsors. As you know, we launched first on Avalanche and we recently chose it as the host chain for our governance chain. It’s going to be a real showcase of the best Avalanche has to offer, including a great mix of established and emerging players on the network, and we get to play host.

Now that the new contracts are live, we are working overtime to update third-party sites and services about the new token and farming contracts. This includes price aggregators like CoinMarketCap and Coingecko and portfolio managers like DeBank and tin.network. We hope to have most of these updated along with our own analytics pages in the next week or two.

Outside of Elk Rush: Avalanche, you can look forward to one or two big announcements this week about new places where ELK will be landing down.

Settle in, a new era of Elk is upon us. 🦌

