Lodge Letter #44

FoxFortyTwo 🦊
Elk Finance
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2022

The final furlong for the Avalanche Elk Rush? Hello Radioshack! Elk merch. And although we are a cross-chain interoperability protocol, there have been some changes to the farms we also provide.

The resolution for the stablecoin furore is still not certain, Bitcoin is hanging on to the 30k levels, and Elk is building. Which of those statements was a “nailed-on” certainty?

Hopefully you chose the Elk building part! And we are. The impetus remains focused on cross-chain swaps and the SDK (permitting Bridging-as-a-Service to be rolled out with ease by DeFi protocol developers). The goal for cross-chain swaps is to have that feature added in Q2. As always, performance and safety will always take precedence over deadlines.

Avalanche Elk Rush

The final farms have been added, and with them the dual boosts and rewards for those providing liquidity. Jump in now and enjoy some rather fruitful farming action with:

  • HAKU — ELK
  • KLO — ELK
  • SFI — ELK
  • AVE — ELK


We will be adding farms for our partners, RadioShack across a few of our supported chains, for $RADIO — $ELK liquidity. When the cross-chain swaps go live there will be another option for swapping directly! Check out the following article:


Elk Merch

Live now is the Elk Merch collection via TokenMerch: https://tokenmerch.store/collections/elk-finance

What’s top of your shopping list? Do you fancy sharing a picture of you in your Elk cap, t-shirt or sipping from the Elk mug? If you do then tag us on Twitter with the #elkmerch hashtag. Now you can be Elk inside and out!

Emissions Review

Every six weeks we look to rebalance the emissions for our LP farms in order to provide suitable liquidity across the nineteen supported chains connected to the ElkNet. The following removals have occurred:


  • ETH
  • PNG


  • CRX
  • AUTO

The SDK is moving forwards as a solution for projects to conquer the cross-chain problem using an off-the-shelf token bridge. Reservoirs for you, and for you, and for everyone! In time. At this point we are continuing to discuss and arrange for alpha testing for projects and protocols who are excited to broaden their blockchain horizons into markets new and untouched by their products and vision.

Speaking as a project on nineteen chains (at the time of writing), ecosystem agnosticism is not as unseemly as one might think. The subdued markets could be a good opportunity for crypto to forget the tribalism, look over the fences, and understand that there are good opportunities to be found outside of one’s comfortable neighbourhood; they’re just a short hop across the (ElkNet) bridge.

Short and sweet this time. Have a great week.



FoxFortyTwo 🦊
Elk Finance

Cross-chain. DeFi. Web3. (Arthera, Elk, more!) Technology start-up co-founder. Former teacher. Writer. Copyeditor. Marketer. Family first - work up from there.