xDAI Moose NFT Sale

Elk Finance
Published in
4 min readNov 3, 2021

New Moose are ready to be set loose! xDai Moose NFTs go on sale this Saturday, with proceeds used to fund Elk’s upcoming Arbitrum launch.


The fifth collection of limited edition Moose NFTs is set for release on xDai this coming Saturday, November 6 at 16:00 UTC. Mint price is 600 $XDAI. Limit 2 per address. Proceeds will be used to fund initial liquidity on Arbitrum.

Like previous collections, the xDai collection features 100 Moose with three randomly distributed rarity tiers. Every buyer will be rewarded with an airdrop of 100% of their purchase price in ELK at the time of new chain launch, with bonus multipliers based on rarity.

Visit https://app.elk.finance/#/nft while connected to xDai network to mint.

What are Moose NFTs and what are the benefits?

Moose are Elk.Finance’s native NFT with ongoing utility. Moose are not just regular NFTs; they grant their holders a variety of benefits, including ELK airdrops, access to special promotions, and a 2x vesting rate for our popular Impermanent Loss Protection (ILP) farming feature.

Longer term, Moose serve a number of vital functions within the Elk ecosystem. Moose staking will be required to create proxy tokens and to run nodes on networks connected to ElkNet. When Elk matures into a DAO, Moose will likely also play a role in governance or other community initiatives.

These current and future benefits have made Moose NFTs highly valued assets. Moose collections currently exist on four chains (Avalanche, Polygon, Fantom, and Huobi ECO). The most expensive Moose NFT sale to date was for a Rare Moose on Avalanche, which sold on September 14 for 125 AVAX (~$9100 USD at time of writing). No epic Moose have been traded on public marketplaces to date.

For additional information about Moose NFTs, visit https://docs.elk.finance/tokens/moose-nft

xDAI Moose NFT Release Details

Starting from this Saturday, 6th of November, at 16:00 UTC; a “Moose” tab will appear on the xDAI ElkDEX interface. After minting a Moose, it will be visible on the same page.

Time: 16:00 UTC, November 6, 2021
Minting price: 600 $XDAI
Limits: Hard-coded limit of 2 Moose NFTs per wallet

  • 1 Legendary Moose (Ralph, our mascot; non-circulating)
  • 9 Epic Moose (4 pre-minted, 5 up-for-grabs)
  • 30 Rare Moose
  • 60 Uncommon Moose

For the pre-minted Epic Moose, three will be awarded to the addresses who have supplied the most liquidity on xDai prior to the sale based on a time-weighted snapshot analysis. The fourth will be awarded during a future community promotion.

Airdrop for xDai Moose Buyers

All xDai Moose buyers will receive 100% of the purchase price of their Moose issued in ELK prior to the launch on Aribtrum (The exact amount of ELK will be based on the average price of ELK across existing chains several hours before the airdrop). Rare Moose earn 1.5x (~$900) and Epic Moose earn 2x (~$1200).

(Yes, you are reading that correctly; uncommon Moose are essentially free, and it only gets better from there.)

Revised Airdrops for Existing Moose Holders

For our first releases, we also awarded 42 ELK to every Moose holder for each new chain launch, up to and including the most recent sale. Now that Elk lives on 12 (soon to be 13, 14, 15…) chains and the value of the ELK token has risen considerably, those initial numbers have become unsustainable. (500 Moose, 42 ELK per Moose adjusted for rarity, 7 chains and counting; you can do the math).

However, we remain committed to providing airdrops as an incentive to all Moose holders to explore new chains. Based on community feedback, we’ve determined that a new, sustainable model will be to award 4.2 ELK (adjusted for rarity) to existing Moose holders for each launch.

Since we launched 6 new chains prior to the upcoming xDai sale, all 400 existing Moose will earn airdrops of 29.4 ELK (7*4.2) covering the 7 recent launches, inclusive of Arbitrum. The 100 new xDai Moose holders will receive an airdrop of 4.2 ELK for Arbitrum (since the sale will take place after the other 6 chains launched), which will be added to their reimbursement amount.

We hope this model will be sustainable moving forward, but we reserve the right to adjust airdrops further in the future.

One More Thing…

More Moose are right around the corner. The week after next, there will be a BSC Moose sale with proceeds going toward our highly anticipated launch on Ethereum. More details on that sale will appear in a separate article.

Following the releases on Arbitrum + Ethereum, we plan to add several more EVM-compatible chains in quick succession following the recent model. After that, attention will turn to taking on non-EVM networks (WASM chains), followed by chains that do not support smart contracts.

What is Elk Finance?

Elk Finance is a decentralized network for cross-chain liquidity. ElkNet, its cutting-edge multi-chain protocol, makes it easy for anyone to move value and exchange cryptocurrencies across blockchains quickly and securely at a low cost.

The ElkNet framework also lets developers imagine and build novel cross-chain applications. To date, ElkNet supports Avalanche, Polygon (Matic), Fantom Opera Network, Huobi ECO Chain, xDAI, Binance Smart Chain, HOO Smart Chain, KuCoin Community Chain, Harmony One, Okexchain, Elastos & Moonriver.

Links to our website, charts & community channels can all be found here.

Link to ElkDex & ElkNet: https://app.elk.finance/#/

Link to ElkNet Dashboard: https://dashboard.elk.finance/



Elk Finance

Elk.Finance is a decentralized network for cross-chain liquidity. Seamless experience with sub-second speed. Any chain, anytime, anywhere!