在logstash 中計算時間差的ruby code

Polin Chen
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2017

在log 中, 經常出現2個時間,例如為開始時間和結束時間, 在導入elasticsearch 中,在logstash 中, 需要增加一個將時間差的欄位,無需另外的撰寫其他的落地程式。

"@timestamp": "2015-10-20T13:52:47.000Z" # this is when the host says the event occurred
"received_at": "2015-10-20T02:02:51.191Z" # this is when Logstash forwarder received the event

ruby code 範例

filter {
if [received_at] and [@timestamp] {
# calculate the time difference in seconds between two different timestamps and add return to event as a new field
ruby {
init => "require 'time'"
code => "event['time_difference']= (Time.parse(event['received_at']).to_i) - (Time.parse(event['@timestamp']).to_i)"
add_tag => [ "calculated_time_difference" ]


