
Ellemeno Gets A Boost

It’s time for our contributing writers to up their game

David Todd McCarty
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2023


Photo licensed through Adobe Stock.

I’m happy to announce that the work we’ve been doing here at Ellemeno has been noticed by the powers that be. We have been chosen to participate in a pilot program on Medium that allows us to nominate five stories a week to be considered for boosting by the Medium curators. Boosted stories are eligible for further distribution across the Medium ecosystem, and if they catch on with readers can garner real numbers.

For instance, I recently had a piece go viral after being boosted, and it ended up garnering 38k views, 13k reads, 14.6k claps, and has paid out over $2k in a little over two months. So it’s not a small matter. Boosting can really make a difference in how many people see your writing, and that can, in turn, become rather lucrative. But there is a catch.

In order for your piece to be recommended, and then accepted by the curators, your writing has to meet a high bar. It must be authoritative, original, authentic, well-constructed, and typo-free. It should have all the qualities of a solid magazine article, rather than simply a personal blog post. Everything from your title, subhead, and featured image contributes to the magazine quality of your article.



David Todd McCarty

A cranky romantic searching for hope and humor. I tell stories. Most of them are true. I’m not at all interested in your outrage, but I do feel your pain.